Chapter 2

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Okay so this part is a little bit longer for some reason but hopefully that's okay and you enjoy that. 

I've almost finished writing this story so I'll be uploading a new chapter, hopefully, every day until I'm caught up. Who knows, maybe I can finish the story before that happens. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


The next morning, I woke up feeling like death warmed up. I'd only had one drink last night but because of all the crying I'd done I may as well have drank a whole bar out of business. I should have thought to bring up a glass of water and pain killers before I went to sleep. Hindsight is 20/20. Looking at my phone I saw that it was 11am, so my Mum would definitely be awake. I decided to text her and ask if she could bring me water, pain killers and some toast, not wanting to shout and make my headache worse and definitely not wanting to get out of bed.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and in came my Mum with a tray. "Hey honey, you okay?" she asked. I just shook my head not wanting to talk about it. "Phoebe came over about half an hour ago to check up on you, she told me what happened. Do you want to talk about it?" She set the tray down on the end of my bed and sat next to me. "No." I croaked then cuddled into her shoulder.

She wrapped her arms around me not saying anything, my Mum is great for always knowing what to say and when not to say anything.

I stayed in my room all weekend just watching sappy films, eating ice cream or other junk food and crying into the stupid panda plushie Charlie had given me on our first date. By the time Monday rolled around Phoebe decided enough was enough and I needed to get out of the house. She bribed me the only way she knew how; shopping and McDonalds. We didn't start school again until Tuesday and she insisted we needed new clothes for going into our last year of Sixth Form so we look extra 'bangin'. I, being a shopaholic, couldn't refuse. The fact I knew Phoebe wouldn't stop until I left the house with her was also motivation to get moving. I loved her to death but my God she could be annoying when she wanted to be.

I basically crawled into the shower still somehow wearing makeup from the other night. No, I still hadn't washed my face since the party. Yes, I was aware of how disgusting I had been over the previous few days. No, I didn't care, my heart was broken. Though it did feel good to be nice and clean again, I felt more energised. I got ready fairly quickly in a pair of light blue ripped jeans, a black and white, oversized, stripy top and white Nike shoes as well as putting on some light make up. If there's one thing that makes me feel better it's putting on my makeup.

Once we made it into town we decided to go for food first since I hadn't had a proper meal in a few days. Though I don't think McDonalds counts as a 'proper meal', it counts more than chocolate and ice cream. Luckily there's a few McDonalds so we didn't have to go very far.

When we were sat down with our food Phoebe got onto the subject of clothes. "I want something that says 'classy, sassy, but also a little slutty' know what I mean?" she said taking a bite of a chicken nugget.

"You can be classy and slutty?" I replied laughing, munching on my fries. It sounds crazy, but I felt like the saltiness was soaking up all the chocolate in my system, making me feel a little less physically gross than I did earlier in the day. It was kind of like how greasy food helps soak up alcohol.

"Of course, I'll teach you the ways, my child." She grinned. "We're hitting up Summers and Boux by the way." She said with a cheeky glint in her eye.

"Why?" I said wondering what she was up to, shoveling more fries in my mouth.

"Many reasons. Firstly, nice underwear makes you feel more confident, secondly its sexy as hell, thirdly if you're going to dress to impress you've got to start from the bottom...and you have a great bottom." She said waggling her eyebrows at me. She's right, it's my best ASSet.

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