Chapter 6

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Justin called the next morning before he went out to dance practice; he had a show coming up so he really had to be there. He had offered to skip if I needed him, claiming that he was so good he didn't need the extra practice anyway. I laughed and told him that if his head got too big he wouldn't be able to dance for the weight of it. Though I appreciated him checking on me.

I was exhausted. I couldn't sleep the night before; my brain wouldn't shut off. All I could think about was Mum and how worried I was about her and how mad I was at Dad for a multitude of reasons. His promiscuity for one, his lies for another, but mostly, and completely selfishly, how he had torn my family apart. Didn't even know if we could afford to live here just me and Mum, Dad was the main breadwinner of the family. My thoughts kept coming back to the same idea that life wasn't fair, that I wished life could go back to they way it was a few months ago when everything was okay. But, of course, life didn't work that way.

I made breakfast for Mum and I, not knowing whether she was awake or wanting to eat but I figured at least it was there if she wanted it. I knocked on the spare bedroom door before going in. Mum sat up in the bed when she saw me holding a tray of food for her.

"Thanks Honey but I don't think I feel up to eating anything." She said with a groggy voice.

"Okay, well I'll leave it here for you if you change your mind, but you really should eat something Mum." I placed the tray down on the nightstand and exited the room. I closed the door with a sigh, I didn't blame her for not feeling like she could eat anything. I knew I had to be strong for Mum. My feelings aside, she needed me, and I would be there for her no matter what.

Mum pretty much stayed in bed all weekend, only having a slice of toast here and there to keep her strength up. She's a smart woman, she wouldn't let herself waste away so I wasn't too worried on that front. She still wasn't herself though, for someone usually so full of life and love she was so...defeated. She seemed smaller somehow. As if she was starting to shrink away.

On Sunday afternoon, Mum had finally emerged from the room she had claimed as her new bedroom and managed to sit in the kitchen with me for a cup of tea and a pack of biscuits. We were talking about school when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." I said getting up from my chair, not having a clue who it could be.

"Hey," Justin said when I opened the door "I was on my way home from practice and thought I'd pop by and see if you guys need anything." I had to smile at him, he's so thoughtful.

"No, I don't think so but thank you, that's so nice of you." I replied. Mum came to the door behind me "Hi Justin, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm good thanks, Alison, been at practice all weekend so I'm knackered. Thought I'd stop by and see if you guys needed anything." He replied.

"That's very nice of you but I think we're okay. Though I think Amber could use a little fun, why don't you two go out for a bit." Mum said, subtle as ever.

"Well I don't know about you, Amber, but I'm in serious need of some junk food. You in?" he said with a cheeky smile.

"Only if you're sure Mum, I really don't mind staying i-" I started to protest. I didn't really want to leave Mum alone, but she could also be getting sick of me constantly checking up on her.

"Don't be silly you go have fun. I'll be fine." I mumbled okay and quickly fetched my phone, keys, jacket and shoes. I gave Mum a hug goodbye and went on my merry way with Justin in search of some junk food. Honestly, I was in dire need of some myself.

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