Chapter 25

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It was finally the February half term so we had a week off school. Not that we could enjoy it too much, we had revision and coursework to do. Justin and I had set up a schedule so that we'd both have free time at the same time so we could hang out. Unfortunately, that plan went a little south as Justin had an unexpected visitor.

I was walking around to Justin's house on Saturday morning, we had arranged a dance lesson for some stress relief after the jam-packed week we'd just had. I was really looking forward to it, I had been so stressed out at school recently and I needed to relax. I was hoping I could convince Justin to give me a massage too, I was pretty sure he'd be happy for the opportunity to run his hands over my body.

I stood at his front door and rang the doorbell. A minute later he opened the door "Ah shit." he said. I looked at him confused.

"Did you forget?" I asked, still standing at the doorway as Justin was blocking the door.

"Hey Justin, who is it?" I heard a female voice call from inside the house. My eyes glanced inside, not seeing anyone then back to Justin questioningly.

"No no no, I can explain just please come inside!" he said grabbing my hand as I started to turn away from the house. I let him guide me into the living room where a really pretty brunette was sitting on the sofa.

"Oh! You must be Amber, right? Justin has told me so much about you!" she said eagerly, standing up from the sofa.

"I'm sorry...I don't..." I trailed off, looking between Justin and the girl.

"This is Lucy, my best friend. I didn't know she was visiting, she surprised me this morning." Justin said awkwardly. His best friend? It took me a second for the pieces to fit together in my head. His ex. I looked between them, feeling like I'd walked in on something I shouldn't have.

"You mean...your..." I trailed off again, not looking at Justin.

"Yeah." Justin said quietly, understanding what I meant. I hated to ask this next question but I knew I had to.

"And, is she staying here? In your house?" I said, finally looking up at him. He nodded a little in response. I lifted my head up and a little laugh escaped my lips. I mouthed an okay and headed towards the front door to leave.

"No! Wait!" I heard Justin exclaim from behind me as I made my way out of his house. As I was walking down the driveway, I felt him grab my hand and move to stand in front of me, blocking my exit. "I really didn't know, she had called my parents and arranged it with them. You know I would have told you straight away if I knew. I swear to you, nothing is going on here." he said desperately, holding onto my hands.

"You only broke up because you left, Justin." I said quietly, tears threatening to fall.

"If it was a relationship worth fighting for then I would have done long distance but it wasn't. We were only together because it would have been too awkward to have admitted there wasn't anything there." I shook my head at his response and a tear slipped down my cheek. I hated how affected I was by this. I knew I was overreacting but I couldn't help feeling like this. "No, don't cry." Justin said, cupping my face in his hands and wiping away the tear with the pad of his thumb. "You're my girl, okay? And I'm your guy, no one is going to take me away from you. You're the one I lo-want to be with." he said, looking into by eyes before placing a delicate peck on my forehead. I nodded my head, unable to say anything and he pulled me into a hug. After a few seconds I hugged him back and he sighed in relief.

"Please come back inside, I was really looking forward to seeing you." he asked gently. I mumbled and okay in response and he took my hand, guiding me back inside.

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