Chapter 4

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This chapter is a the longest chapter so far (like over twice the length of the last chapter) so get yourself a cuppa and a snack and enjoy!


The next day was a struggle to get out of bed. Having time off school for summer really ruins your internal clock when you're used to being able to lie in as long as you want. Sadly, Phoebe was relying on me. Why did I commit to being her personal alarm clock? I could sleep in until eight if I didn't have to wait for her. But then I sleep easy every night and she has insomnia so I know its not her fault she struggles to get up considering a lot of the time she's exhausted. Maybe Oliver and I should start taking turns? Though I live closer to her so its just easier. With a sigh, I came to terms with the fact I needed to get up.

I slid out of bed, literally, I ended up on the floor crawling to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, with slightly blurry vision, I brushed my teeth and started my morning skincare routine. Mum always talks about the importance of skincare; I think that's why she looks so young for her age, so I've always taken care of my skin in the hopes I'll end up looking like Mum.

Half an hour later, I'd dressed in plain black skinny jeans with an oversized, black graphic tee and some black converse. For makeup, I opted for a glowy complexion, winged eyeliner and a nude lip gloss. I liked the look of lip gloss but I also found it to be a little redundant. It looks nice for a little while until it all rubs off and you have to reapply it again, only for it to rub off and the whole cycle starts again. Don't even get me started on lip gloss, wind and long hair. With a final once over in the mirror I decided I was happy with how I looked and headed out the door.

Phoebe was easier to wake up than usual, she must have had a better night's sleep. I had some toast while I was waiting for her and soon we were on our way to school. We were even a little bit early today which was a rare occurrence. Most days we just made it to school before we'd be deemed late. When we were seated in our form room, I caught her up on last night since Justin hadn't arrived yet to overhear the conversation.

"He stayed until 9? He had dinner with your family? You guys started watching a series on Netflix together? You do realise that's totally a couple's thing to do, right? Let's not forget you've only known him for like a day." Phoebe said incredulously.

"Phoebe don't read into it, we watch stuff on Netflix all the time and you stay way later than him so it's not like it's a big deal." I said shrugging her off.

"Yes, but I'm basically a member of your family now and we've been friends for a decade." She has a point there.

"It still doesn't mean anything." I said looking away and getting out my timetable, trying to memorise where I was meant to be next.

"Whatever you say, babes." Phoebe said smiling at me.

"Do you know what classes Emma is in this year?" I asked, deciding to change the subject. Emma is a friend of ours. We've been friends since year seven when we all joined the school. She's the shy one out of the three of us but that doesn't mean she's a push over. When you piss her off, she's not one to be messed with. It's one of the things we love about her.

"She's in my Art class and I think she said she'll be in English Lit with you but I don't know what else she's in."

"Hey guys!" Justin called as he walked up to us in a fitted white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a rip in one of the knees. Cue the drool.

"Sup, you have a good night?" Phoebe said giving him a wink. I attempted to elbow her discretely but she blocked the blow with her arm.

"Er, yeah it was good..." he replied slowly, cocking his head questioningly at us. Clearly he was confused by our strange little exchange.

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