Chapter 27

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It had been nearly two months since Justin and I's argument and, thankfully, we had managed to make up and get back to normal. I felt like a weight I didn't know was on my shoulders had been lifted. In a weird way, the argument was a good thing. It helped me realise I'd been holding on to feelings I didn't need to hold on to and finally let go of them.

With the loss of one weight came the addition of another. I'd finally fully come to terms with how I felt about Justin and for the last two months had been fighting the urge to tell Justin I loved him at every opportunity. My reasons for not wanting to tell him were simple; fear of rejection and fear of scaring him off. We had only been officially together for a little over two months and while we had been involved for a while before that I still worried about saying the words too soon and ruining everything. The only problem was, once you realise you love someone, it becomes very difficult to not accidentally say the words. There had been one too many goodbyes that had almost resulted in a casual 'I love you' tacked on the end. Those three little words had actually slipped out one day at lunch when he bought me a chocolate chip cookie but luckily, I managed to convince him - not that it took much convincing - that I was talking to the cookie and not him. To be fair, it wasn't a complete lie, I do love chocolate chip cookies.

It was around eight pm on a Friday night and I was moping around the house with nothing to do. Mum had gone out for drinks with a few of her colleagues. I'd had to practically push her out of the door, knowing it would be good for her to get out of the house with friends and have some fun for a change. After a lot of convincing, she finally agreed to go, looking a little excited about it. I'd asked Justin if he wanted to come over but he made some vague excuse about being forced into last minute practice as one of the routines changed last minute. Phoebe was on a double date with Oliver, Emma and Max. So, I was all on my lonesome for the night. I didn't really mind; I'd had a lot of practice so far this year just being by myself and I'd gotten pretty good at entertaining myself.

So far I'd watched a chick flick but I was feeling too restless to sit around so instead, taking advantage of an empty house, I plugged my speaker in and had a dance party for one in my living room, turning the volume up more than I would if I wasn't alone but not enough to warrant a noise complaint from the neighbours.

I'd been dancing for a while when the doorbell suddenly rang. I was surprised to say the least. Who would be randomly dropping by unannounced at nine pm? Turning my music down, but not turning it off completely I went to answer to door, well aware that it could be a serial killer. Or my Dad. Frankly the second option was worse.

Thankfully, the mysterious person at my door turned out to be my lovely boyfriend, looking seriously handsome in black skinny jeans and a leather jacket. He looked perfect, and not at all like he'd been to dance practice for the past few hours which was strange but I didn't question it.

"Did you know I was home alone or something?" I asked after I'd greeted Justin, pulling him into my house and reaching up to press a kiss to his lips. He smiled against my lips and shut the door behind himself.

"And here I thought you were having a party without me. I could hear the music from the driveway." He teased as I pulled him by the hand into the living room.

"Dance party for one. Duh." I said as we sat down on the sofa, Justin manspreading as usual as I tucked my legs under me and leaned against him.

"What else is there to do when you're home alone?" He replied, a lazy grin gracing his handsome face.

My mind went straight to the gutter. "I can think of a few things." I said, lifting myself to straddle his lap, kissing him slowly, teasingly. His hands gripped onto my waist and pulled me closer to him as he responded to the kiss. The kiss deepened, getting more intense as the minutes passed until we were in the middle of a full-on make out sesh on the sofa.

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