Chapter 21

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So, I need (well technically I don't need to but I feel like I should) to put a small warning in here. The end of this chapter has a lil sex. Honestly, it's not even as risque as the last chapter so idk why I'm doing this. Maybe it's because the sex is cut out of all the other chapters, though it's no where near as detailed as those chapters soooo yeah.

Basically, it didn't feel right to write the scene out as I would have with the others (you'll see what I mean) so I felt okay keeping it in the chapter rather than having a restricted chapter. 

Make sense?


Well...enjoy ;)


The Monday after, I was walking to my first class of the day when I saw Justin. I was about to walk over and say hey when I noticed he was talking to a girl. I stopped in my tracks and observed them, wondering if I could interrupt or not. The girl he was talking to was pretty. She was a nice girl too; her name was Amy. I had a few encounters with her and she'd been nothing but lovely to me. She was smiling at Justin as he said something and he gave her one of his heart-stoppingly gorgeous smiles. I felt a pit in my stomach. Is he flirting with her? She laughed at something he said and touched his arm. He didn't move away from her, he seemed completely fine with her affection. He ran his hand through his hair. He's definitely flirting with her. He knows he looks good right now and he's doing it deliberately. I couldn't watch anymore so I kept going on to class, my mood lowered significantly.

Why would he flirt with her? He usually flirts with me! I thought to myself. Yeah but you aren't actually together so he can do what he wants. The rational side of me argued. But I don't want him flirting with anyone else. Ugh this sucks! I hated the fact I felt this way. I hated feeling jealous. Truth be told, I liked Justin. I liked him a lot, and that terrified me. The last person I liked, well at one point loved, cheated on me. I wasn't ready to be hurt again, but then seeing Justin with someone else would hurt me too. It seemed like I was going to be hurt either way.

I avoided Justin for the rest of the day, I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't even really want to look at him. The idea of him with another girl hurt me too much. It made me feel sick and sad and angry. I had managed to avoid him successfully all day. Well, until the end of school anyway. As I was walking out of the main doors, I heard him call my name. I was going to pretend I didn't hear him and keep walking but he jogged to catch up to me before I could get away.

"Hey, do you want a lift home?" He asked, falling into step beside me.

"No, I'm good thanks." I said, not bothering to look at him. I was getting a little pissed off. How could he flirt with another girl then offer me a lift home as if I'd invite him in and 'have some fun'. Which any other day is exactly what would happen.

"Are you okay? I haven't seen you all day." He said, concern clear in his voice.

"I'm fine." I said, still refusing to look at him and just kept on walking. He stopped walking and grabbed my arm, pulling me around to face him.

"Seriously, something is wrong. Why won't you even look at me?" He asked, trying to look into my eyes but I refused to meet his gaze.

"Nothing's wrong. I said I'm fine." I snatched my arm out of his grasp. I totally wasn't fine but I really didn't know what to say.

"So we're lying to each other now?" He asked, scoffing slightly as he clearly didn't believe that I was okay. "I know you; you're acting weird right now. Tell me what's wrong." He said sternly.

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