Chapter 30

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So I decided to upload this chapter straight after the last one. As you can probably tell, this is the final chapter. I'll save my ramblings for the end.

Until then, enjoy :)


"Come on! We don't want to be late!" Emma shouted through the bathroom door at Phoebe who was busy having a last minute wee.

"Don't be dramatic. It's called being fashionably late for a reason." Phoebe called from the other side of the door.

"Besides Em, the boys aren't even here yet." I said from the mirror where I was currently putting in my earrings.

Tonight, we had our Leavers Ball and we were all a mixture of nervous and excited. I especially was nervous. I had no idea if people were going to continue their little hate party for me or if they'd not care and leave me alone. I really hoped for the latter because being bullied at my own Leavers Ball would suck. I wanted to leave school with one last good memory. So I'd vowed to make tonight good no matter what.

Us girls were getting ready at Emma's house as she had the biggest room and so we had more space to spend hours getting ready. The boys were going to pick us up any minute and I felt nervous butterflies flitting around in my stomach.

I fiddled with the hem of my dress. I'd decided not to go for anything too fancy or over-the-top. Partly so I wouldn't draw attention to myself, partly because we were hitting the clubs afterwards and I didn't want to be too overdressed. So I'd opted for a red satin skater dress, with quite a poofy skirt, which had thin straps almost like a string and a v-neck. It was simple but classy and I loved it. I'd paired it with some patent black stilettos, silver jewellery and red lipstick, opting for a winged liner on my eyelids instead of eye shadow. I finished off the look with a black clutch and as vain as it sounds, I liked how I looked.

The boys arrived ten minutes late, complaining about how Max couldn't find his tie and forcing the other two to tear his house apart looking for it only for it to have been hooked over the banister at the bottom of the stairs. Emma, not liking to be late for anything, scolded him but was soon smiling bashfully after being showered in compliments by her boyfriend.

"Wow." Justin said when he saw me, his eyes slightly wider than usual as they raked up and down my body before finally settling on my face with his signature heart-stopping smile. Wow indeed. "You look stunning." He breathed out, walking the few steps it took until he was stood in front of me. "Remind me how I got so lucky, again?" I giggled as he pressed his lips to mine in a chaste kiss.

"If anyone is lucky it's me." I said pulling away from him and holding him at arm's length to give him an appreciative once over. Justin was wearing slim fitted black slacks that hugged his slim waist and dancers' legs, a plain white shirt that he'd left a few buttons at the top left undone so I could see some of his smooth chest and collarbones, and a matching black suit jacket with satin lapels. He looked so handsome I forgot to breathe for a minute. "I have a model for a boyfriend. Seriously how is your outside as beautiful as you inside?" Justin chuckled and moved closer to me again. "No, I'm not done checking you out." I giggled as he pressed his lips to my cheek.

"Come on, we'd better get going before Emma gets mad at us instead of Max." Justin said, grabbing my hand an pulling me towards the door.

Our Leavers Ball was being held at a fancy looking Hotel. We were guided by the receptionist to the function room our school committee had rented for the night. The hall was fairly big, decorated with a white and silver theme. There was a photobooth in one corner for the students to take photos, along with funny props. I made a mental note to get a bunch of photos later. Along one side of the room, was a bar opposite which were circular tables where we'd sit and eat before the 'awards' were handed out. Students had been asked to vote on various polls about 'who's most likely to' to be awarded tonight by the head of sixth form. There was also a huge space in the middle of the room for the dancefloor, of which the tables circled. As we walked in the room we were greeted with a glass of champagne, which I took thankfully, hoping it would calm my nerves. I kept a tight hold of Justin's hand as we entered, a spike of anxiety hitting me in the gut. He squeezed my hand back and gave me a reassuring smile as he took his own glass of champagne.

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