Chapter 23

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So, I have decided to upload the R Rated version of these chapters to another Work on my profile up to this point (including this chapter) so if you want to read those they'll be on my profile. I hope you enjoy them ;)


A few days later it was all around school that Charlie and Mercedes broke up. Apparently, he'd been sleeping with other girls. Much to everyone's surprise. Not. Frankly I didn't feel bad for her, she didn't seem to care either honestly. She'd move onto the next guy before the week was over, that I was sure of. What I didn't expect was that she would be moving onto my guy. Though, she'd done it before, why wouldn't she do it again. Especially since Justin is insanely hot. I was leaving school when I saw them outside. Justin was leaning against the wall waiting for me to come out and take me to his place, and Mercedes was standing far too close to him than I was comfortable with. I'm a little ashamed to say jealousy was my immediate reaction and for a few seconds I felt like it was Charlie all over again. That was until I saw Justin's body language and managed to rationalise the situation. He did not look comfortable at all. He was looking around and when his eyes landed on mine, I saw a flash of panic. He thought I was going to read the situation all wrong, and I supposed he was right there because at first, I did. But frankly I knew him too well at this point, like the way his shoulders were too high up and his jaw was clenched told me he was tense and guarded. He wasn't happy with her being so close to him at all but he couldn't move away as he was against the wall.

I walked up to them confidently, feeling the need to assert what was mine. "Hey babe!" I said as I approached them, causing Mercedes to turn towards me. I could see in her eyes that she looked smug, as if she was making progress in seducing my boyfriend. Think again bitch. Since she had turned away from Justin, he was able to move away from her and he wrapped his arm around me. I leant up and kissed him. It wasn't a quick peck either, I was marking my territory. Justin seemed surprised by my boldness, especially at school, but he was definitely enjoying it. When I pulled away Mercedes smug expression had turned to one of very obvious (at lease to me) fake confidence.

"Oh, hi Amber." Mercedes said in a fake sweet voice. I was so done with her two-faced bitchy ass.

"Mercedes, I know Charlie cheated on your hoe ass but please don't subject Justin to your failed and embarrassing 'seduction'. He really doesn't deserve it." I said, not bothering to fake a sweet voice. I wasn't letting this bitch ruin my life anymore. She looked at me shocked for a second before recovering.

"I don't know what you're talking about, we were just having a nice conversation, weren't we Justin?" she said, turning her attention to Justin. People had started to notice the tension and stopped to hear the conversation.

"No. You were trying to get me to go to yours for sex and frankly I was really uncomfortable." Justin said matter-of-factly. I couldn't help the smug expression from appearing on my face as I heard a few sniggers from the onlookers of the conversation.

"You know, it's so sad seeing you getting rejected. Yet, it's thanks to you and your fake rumours about me being a slut that I haven't had this much interest from guys ever. Yet here's you, just the sloppy seconds. The thing is though, I don't want another Charlie who's going to use me then chuck me when he's done with me." I said. "It's really such a shame that Charlie's the boy you had to steal from me," I said as I started to walk away, pulling Justin with me. I turned around, walking backwards "because between us girls..." I pointed to Justin, made an okay sign and made a face as if I was moaning in ecstasy before shooting her a smug smile and walking with Justin to his car.

"Babe?" Justin said once we had gotten into the car.

"Hm?" I said turning to him.

"Did you just tell Mercedes, and a pretty sizable portion of our year group, that I'm good in bed?" He asked me, clearly very amused by the situation.

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