🍭Treating Wounds🍭

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Daisuke x Haru

Haru POV

It was the weekend. Which only meant one thing. Relaxation. Silence. Aaaah paradise.
Away from Daisuke.

I don't know what's going on with me lately but whenever I see him I just get this weird feeling in my stomach. Must be the disgust I have for him. Although I'm not sure if it's disgust or not.

Aaaah Haru no! Stop! Stop thinking about Daisuke!

I walked into my kitchen and grabbed my favorite ice cream. Banana, biscuit, chocolate. Yum.

I went outside and sat on my balcony, my ice cream in my lap as I looked around the street. I lived on the second floor so I could see pretty much everything.

Suddenly there was a car crash. And then, an explosion. I quickly got up and ran inside grabbing my badge and gun and running downstairs.

Outside smoke was covering everything, making it very hard to see. I couldn't hear sirens, only people talking and screaming.

I started walking towards the cars, when my blood froze. A few meters away from the cars was laying an unconscious Daisuke.

I ran towards him and picked him up. I looked around and didn't see anyone else, maybe the other man managed to escape or he burned in the fire.

I ran inside, Daisuke in my arms as I laid him down on the couch. He had multiple bruises in his arms and legs and some pieces of glass in his torso.

I quickly ran to the bathroom grabbing my first aid kit and going back to him. I quickly discarded him of his clothes and started cleaning the wounds.

Just as I was about to take out the glass pieces his voice cut me off.

"H-Haru?" I looked up at him seeing him his eyes open.
"Hey, it's me"
"What happened?"
"You were in a car crash. The other vehicle exploded. I saw you a few meters away from the vehicles and brought you here. I also informed our boss so don't worry. Now lay back I have to remove these glass pieces"

He obediently did as I told him to, laying back down. I grabbed the shards and looked at him.

"This is going to hurt like a bitch. Here grab my hand and press when it hurts" I said and gave him my hand. He grabbed it and intertwined out fingers making me blush a little but it went away. Then without warning him, I pulled out the first shard making him gasp and almost crush my hand as his eyes widened.

"Sorry, sorry come on the pain will go away in a little bit" I soothed him and he looked me in the eye, nodding his head. I disinfected the area then started stitching him up. After that I repeated the same thing four more times until all the wound were closed. By now he was breathing hard and had sweat all around his face.

"I'll bring you some juice and a sandwich, you lost a lot of blood and you need strength" I said and went in the kitchen, where I could check on him. I made him a blt sandwich and poured him some orange juice in a cup then gave them to him and eat, as I sat on the table.

"How do you know so much about first aid?"
"When I was young, before I wanted to become a police officer, I wanted to be a doctor. I learned an entire encyclopedia with first aid and it sorta stayed in my mind"
"Hm, I guess I owe you one then" he said smirking.
"Yeah you do" I said and chuckled a little.

"But honestly, thank you Haru. I would probably be still laying on that road if it weren't for you. Thanks partner" he said and smiled. An honest smile. Not a smirk! He was really beautiful when he smiled genuinely.


His voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hey you okay? You spaced out a little"
"Uh, yeah just thinking about some stuff. Don't worry" I shook my head and looked at him. He had finished his food and I took the plates back in the kitchen.

"Okay how are you feeling? Can you get up?"
"I think so. Come on help me a little"

I went up to him and offered him my arms, him gripping them and slowly got up. Once he was up, he stumbled a little, but I caught him on time. I repositioned ourselves, me next to him grabbing him by the waist and him having his hand over my shoulders.

"Okay you'll be staying here for tonight and tomorrow we'll get you to your home okay?"
"Okay, I guess"

I helped him to my bedroom, laying him down on the bed. I got him one of my shorts and a t-shirt and threw them to him.

"You'll be sleeping here and I'll get the couch" I said and got out to fiveehim some privacy to change.

"Haru?" I heard his voice from the room.
"I can't bend down to take off my pants. Can you come help me a little?"
"Sure" I sighed and opened the door. He had already put on the t-shirt so that was a relief.

I bent down and took of his pants, grabbing my shorts and sliding them on. And that's when I realized the position we were in. Him sitting down and me kneeling in front of his lap. I immediately blushed and looked away.

"That's a nice position we're in, Haru-chan" he said and I could hear his smirk in his voice.

"S-shut up" I groaned and got up, going to grab a pair of pajamas myself and went to the bathroom to change. I changed then splashed some cold water on my face.

Okay, let's see what's going on. I'm always thinking about him, I blush when I think about him, I blushed in the position earlier and I imagined my hands going over his abs when I was treating his wounds. Yep.

I'm gay for Daisuke Kanbe. Fuck.

I calmed myself down and then went back to my bedroom. I saw him laying down and looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey, you okay? Need anything?"
"Come here a little"
"Okay?" it was more of a question but went to him nevertheless.

"Kneel down on the floor" said with dominant voice I couldn't say no to.

I kneeled and looked at him. He breathed in and then in an instant his lips were on mine.

My eyes widened but after a little closed and kissed back. His hand was on the back of my neck and mine on his cheek as he swiped his tongue over my bottom lip. I opened up and instantly felt his tongue in my mouth clashing with my own. We fought for dominance but he almost immediately won.

I pulled back and looked him in the eye, a string of saliva connecting our lips.

"Why did you do that?" I whispered.
"Isn't it obvious? I like you dumbass. I have been in love with you from the first moment I saw you, as cheesy as this sounds"
"I-I've liked you too I guess, I was just too scared to admit it"
"Alright, now you're mine and no one can have have you other then me! Now come up here, I need cuddles" he said and I laughed.

I got on the bed and went behind him, hugging him slowly to not touch his wounds and pushing him closer to my chest.

"Good night, Daisuke"
"Good night, Haru"

Ay yo, daiharu cuteness cheeeeck!

So yeah, this is my first one shot so I had to do it Daiharu, they're my otp after all.

So yeah I hope you liked this one and yeah see you on the next one!

Mamba out! ✌🏻

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