✨"I love you Keiji!"✨

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Akaashi's POV

I was in the gym, talking with a few guys from the volleyball team when the door burst open.

"AAAAAAKAAAAAASHEEEEEE!" Bokuto's voice reached my ears.

"What is it, Bokuto-san?" I  asked and turned around, seeing my best friend's face.

"I got a girlfriend!" yelled Bokuto.

And with that phrase, my heart shattered. I was in denial. But I hid all that under a fake smile.

"Congratulations, Bokuto-san. I'm happy for you" was all I said as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I was heartbroken, I had loved Bokuto for such a long time.

Practice started and despite my feelings, I still tried my best to not show it. Even if the rest of the guys knew my crush on Bokuto, they tried not to show it, at least not in front of Bokuto.

Practice was done and Bokuto was the first to leave to "Walk his girlfriend home" as he said.

As soon as Bokuto was out of the door, i fell on my knees and started crying. Everyone gathered around , trying to calm me down but nothing could make me stop crying.

After a few minutes I stopped crying. The guys sent me home despite my protests. The walk home was lonely and silent.

I was always used to Bokuto's loud voice talking to me about anything, from volleyball to the new prank that he pulled at Kuroo with Kenma's help.

My tears had dried on my cheeks from the cool air as I looked up at the sky, the first stars making their appearance on the dark blue sky.

Bokuto-san, why? How could you not see it? I was sure that you had realized my crush on you. But why? Why would you break my heart?

And with these thoughts I got home. As soon as I walked through the door I went straight to my sister's room. She was the only one that knew abt my crush on Bokuto.

I walked in without knocking and saw her doing homework. As soon as she heard me she turned around. And her eyes widened.

"Keiji? What happened? Why did you cry?" she immediately asked and left her books.

"Bokuto-san got a girlfriend" I whispered and looked down, as fresh tears started falling from my eyes.

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand as she walked towards me.

"I'm so sorry" she whispered and hugged me. I hugged her back and cried on her shoulder. Despite our age difference she was as tall as me.

We just stayed there for a little bit until I pulled back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked softly and looked me in the eyes.

"No, just call at my school and say that I don't feel well and will be absent for five days" I said and she nodded.

"Tell mom as well. Don't come in my room and please for these five days just leave me alone" I knew that isolating myself from everyone that cared and loved me would not bring Bokuto back. But I just couldn't help but want to stay alone.

For the nest three days all I did was listen to music, scroll through my selfies with Bokuto and check his Instagram. He had posted a picture of him with his girlfriend.

I had to admit she was really beautiful. You could see that she cared about him.

And then the fourth day, at noon.

I was listening in my sad playlist when I heard a bang on the door.

"AKAASHI! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Bokuto's voice was heard. My eyes widened.

"Bokuto-san? What are you doing here? Go away! Go to your girlfriend and leave me alone!" I didn't mean any of it. But I couldn't face him. Not now. Not ever.


My eyes widened at his words. I reluctantly turned the key and the door unlocked. He immediately burst inside my room and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I know I fucked up. You probably hate me, but I wouldn't be able to live without saying this" he said and looked me in the eye.

"I love you Keiji!" my mouth opened as my name left his mouth.

"I-I-I love you t-too, Koutarou" I smiled with tears streaming down my face. I ran towards him and jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed me back, pinning me against the wall as his tongue entered my mouth.

Suddenly someone cleared his voice from the door and I looked there, seeing my sister smirking.

"So, I guess I did a good job that I called Bokuto huh?" she smirked before I could say anything she stopped me.

"Before you lecture me, I did it for your own good. Bokuto take care of him, he has had this crush on you for years." I blushed and he smirked at me.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him" he nodded smiling.

"Well then, I will leave you two alone. If you end up fucking please be quiet. I have a bio quiz tomorrow" she smiled and left muttering something like 'damn, I didn't expect Keiji to be a bottom' before she closed the door.

I looked at Bokuto-san and smiled at him.

"So, I guess this is official?" I asked sheepishly and looked at Bokuto with a smile and blush.

"Oh you bet it is! Your mine only, understand that?" he asked possesively and kissed my neck, biting down softly and leaving marks.

"Y-Yes, B-Bokuto-s-san, I'm all ah yours" I muttered through moans as he assaulted my sweet spot.

Damn, it's gonna be a long night...


So, I'm sorry I've been ia but I had my other bokuaka fanfic to write so yeah.

Also, I was planning on making this angst but I didn't wanna write na angst AGAIN, so I thought fuck it I'm gonna give it a happy ending!

Also, if you haven't realized it already, Bokuaka is my otp so get ready there will be many bokuaka chapter lol.

Nvm, I'm leaving see ya!

Eva out!

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