✨ Unrequited Love ✨

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Everyone get ready for one hell of a bokuaka angst! Grab tissues everyone! It's gonna be a wiiiiiild ride...

Omegaverse/hanahaki disease

Third person point of view

"Kotaro, come into my office. We need to talk" the grey-haired's dad called to him.

He looked up from his phone and nodded, sending a quick "I'll be back in a few" text to his childhood friend and setting his phone down, walking outside his room and towards his father's office.

"What is it dad?" he asked as he entered his dad's office and knocking on the door.

"Sit down" said his father's voice without taking his eyes off the papers on his desk.

He complied and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his dad's desk.

"You realize that in less than a month you turn 24 right?"

"Yes father"

"And you know what that means"

"I know father"

"I'm afraid that I will have to marry you with someone since you haven't found your destined mate. You can't lead a pack alone"

"But, father, what if my mate has not turned 23 yet? Most of the time this is why you don't find your mate the first time!"

"Listen here Kotaro! You are to take the pack's leader position in a month and I won't just sit around waiting for your destined mate to turn 23! You're gonna marry who I tell you to and that's final!"


"No buts! You're gonna marry our rival pack's leader's daughter, make an alliance with them and that's final!"

"Father no! I will not just marry someone I don't even know just because you want me married when I take over the pack! I will marry whoever I want to marry! And you have no say in that matter!"

"I am your father and your alpha so as long as you rely on me you will do as I say! I don't care if you take over and the next day you break up with her! But as long as I sit on this chair you're gonna do as I say! The wedding will happen on September 20th and that's final! Now out of my office!"

The younger male growled and left his father's office going to his bedroom and calling his best friend.

"We need to meet! Usual place in 15 minutes!" said Bokuto and hang up before he could receive an answer, as he jumped out of the window and transformed into his wolf form and took off into the forest.

He ran and ran until he got to the edge of the forest, a huge cliff in front of him and a small black wolf sitting on the side. As soon as he saw him, Bokuto changed to his human self, not really bothering that he was naked. It was natural for them.

The black wolf switched back into his human form and revealed a bag with two basketball shorts.

"You're so predictable" he chuckled as he threw one of the shorts towards him.

"As if you don't know me"

"Fortunately or not, I do know you. So, what did you want me to come here so urgently for? Must be serious"

Bokuto laughed as he sat down on the ground, Akaashi sitting next to him.

"My father arranged a marriage for me with your leader's daughter. I am to get married the day of my 24th birthday"

And at that sentence, Akaashi's heart broke into a million pieces. He knew that Bokuto was his destined mate but kept it a secret from Bokuto since he was still 22 so Bokuto couldn't tell that he was his mate.

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