✨Broken Smile✨

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Bokuaka angst, read at your own risk

Bokuto's POV

He put himself last in every situation. Maybe it was because he lacked self-worth or direction. It was weird to see him this broken.

We met by chance and everything seemed to be so...


I saw him behind his mask and it felt as though, this weight if mine had been...

Lifted off of my shoulders.

I knew overthinking was quite the task, but those thoughts of him were never wasted.

The truth is that he was so beautifully designed, yet...

He couldn't see it.

He always looked so pale, that black mask covering his nose and mouth was making him look even more pale.

He almost looked like a ghost.

But he wasn't.

A ghost would never be able to laugh so beautifully. So...


I still remember the first time he looked me in the eyes, those two emeralds shining as he looked me in the eye and laughed.

Oh how I wished at that moment to see his without his mask.

Just for a fleeting second.

To see those lips of his curve into a smile and his teeth show.


His laugh was one of my favorite sounds.

If only I could listen to it forever...

But I knew it. One day, the time would come that I would have to say goodbye...


It was around three months after I met him that I asked him to go out on a date with me.

"Of course, Bokuto-san" his soft voice made me smile like a maniac as I wrapped my hands around him and twirled him around in the air, flooding with happiness.

And that was the beginning of how I started dating the first ever person that I truly loved.

We had a lot of fun together. We hadn't kissed yet though. Even after so many months, he was still scared to show me his real face.

"It's not that I don't love you, it's just that I am afraid you will stop loving me if I tell you the truth" was all he said when I asked him about it.

Despite his knowledge on various different subjects, he was so stupid.

How could I stop loving him? Even if we would break up, I would still love him.


Such a small word.

But with such a powerful meaning.

A word that can stop wars, or start them.

For me...

It was the first one.

Akaashi was the first person that accepted me with all my flaws, insecurities, troubles, past.

Despite his condition, which I had yet to know, he was always there to comfort me when my inner demons took the best over.

He was there to comfort me when my insecurities kicked in.

He was there to comfort me when I would wake up panting and drenched in sweat from my nightmares.

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