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Modern day au

Kuchiki Byakuya x Abarai Renji

Byakuya's POV

"Babe?" I said and looked at Renji. We were in our bedroom, me reading a book and him playing video games on the TV.

"Hm?" he said his eyes not trailing from the TV.

"Wanna go on a date tonight?" I asked and his controller dropped. The game stopped and he turned towards me as if he had seen a ghost.

"Did the oh so great Byakuya Kuchiki just tell me to go on a date with him?" he asked shock pure in his voice.

"We've been dating for four years! And I was the one to ask you out. Don't be so surprised! And if you don't wanna go on a date then just say so!" I said and turned around so he didn't see the tears at the corners of my eyes.

"No! Of course I wanna go on a date with you! Why would I not want to?!" he asked and turned me around and hugged me.

"I don't know, maybe you don't like me anymore" I joked.

"Byakuya. I don't like you anymore." my eyes widened and before I could say something he crushed his lips on mine.

"I love you" he said after he pulled away from the kiss. I smiled and hugged him tight.

"I love you too Renji" I smiled at his hair.

"Okay do where are we gonna go?" he said and pulled out of my hug and looked excitedly at me.

"I was thinking the amusement park and then maybe hit the beach?" I asked and looked down at him for approval. He nodded excitedly and smiled.

"It's a date!" he said and got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked confused.

"Its already 6:30! We have to get ready!" he said and grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

We got ready then headed out.

First stop: Amusement park.

We got to the amusement park and Renji immediately grabbed my hand.

"I wanna go to the haunted house!" he said and his eyes shone. I laughed softly then went to the haunted house. I have to admit it was fun seeing him get all jumpy and scared and clinging onto my side.

By the time we got out of the house his face was pale and he was shivering.

"This was a horrible idea" he said as we exited the house.

"Wanna go grab something to eat? Maybe you'll get better" I offered and looked him softly in the eye. He nodded his head and went to the nearest food booth. We got two onigiris to eat and then his eyes widened.

"Byakuya! Get me that teddy bear!" he said and pointed to a booth a few feet away. I laughed at his childishness and nodded.

I won him his teddy bear then went to the roller-coaster before we left the arcade. It was nighttime by now. The ride was slow as we took in the scenery before us. Well, at least for Renji.

The lights from bellow reflected in his eyes making them shine as he smiled. I smiled and hugged him from behind.

"You're beautiful" I said and kissed the nape of his neck. He shivered and looked at me smiling.

"What's up with you today? We went on a date, you won me the teddy, you're calling me beautiful. Like why so much romance?" he said softly.

"I just wanna show you my love for you. Don't you like it?" I asked.

"I didn't say that I didn't like it it's just that you usually show your love in other ways" he shrugged his shoulders. Before I could say anything the door opened and we stepped outside.

We left the amusement park and went to our next spot. The beach.

The night was quiet and warm, only the sound of the water crashing on the shore was heard. We sat on a secluded area of the beach, the moon shining on us.

"You know, this was really fun" I heard him say softly and smile at me. I smiled back and hugged him ashe rested his head on my shoulder and looked at the sea.

"Wanna swim?" he asked suddenly and stood up. I laughed and nodded. We stripped and went into the water. Despite the time, the water was still warm.

We swam around a little then went back to the shore. We sat there for a few minutes.

'Alright Byakuya, it's time. No backing out now!' I thought internally and sighed. I got up and walked towards our clothes and grabbed the small box from my pocket. I walked towards him and went down on one knee.

"Byakuya? What are you doing?" he asked confused and I took a deep breath the looked him in his eyes.

"Renji, I love you. And I know that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every morning and look at your sleeping face. I want to see your smile as you'll hold our first baby in your arms. I want to see you writhing and moaning beneath me every time I make love to you. I want to spend my entire life with you. So, Abarai Renji, are you willing to become Kuchiki Renji?" as I finished my speech I pulled out the box and slowly opened it.

His eyes were wide and tears were streaming down his face.

"Byakuya...YES!" he yelled and hugged me pushing us both on the sand. I smiled and pulled back and kissed him. He kisses back and smiled into the kiss.

I pulled back and sat up, grabbing his hand and putting the ring on it.

"You don't know how much time I've waited to do this. Renji, you're finally mine" I whispered and smiled at him.

"I was always yours, we just made it official" he responded smiling and connecting our foreheads.

'Renji, you're mine' I smiled at the thought.


Honestly I started re-watch investing bleach and my otp came back at me and I was like "I have to make a few one shots for them!c so here you go!

Honestly I love them so freaking much they deserve the world! My heart ached every time I think about them! 🤧❤️

Ehem, sorry, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you on the next one guys!

Eva out!

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