✨ Panic Attacks ✨

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Bokuto x Akaashi / college au / roommates au

Okay so, I just read in another life and I cried seven times so take some angst/fluff because I can. It's a happy ending I promise :)

Akaashi's POV

It was finally the end of the semester and then exams were coming up. The pressure of all the studies and the future in general is just, so.... Frustrating.

It was currently 8:47 pm and despite the fact that it was may, clouds had gathered on the sky and it looked as if it was going to rain anytime soon.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, texting Bokuto, my roommate a quick text.

A: I hope you're dressed well and have an umbrella with you, it seems like it's about to rain

I set my phone down and grabbed my biology book, the chapter about the brain. I managed to read the first sentence when my phone's screen lit up, meaning that I got a text. From Bokuto probably.

B: Hey hey Akaashi! Don't worry I took my jacket with me and I always have an umbrella with me despite the season! I'll be late because the lecture will take longer than expected! See you at home if you're awake!

I could hear his voice while reading the text and smiled slightly.

A: Okay, Bokuto-san. Stay safe.

Sigh. How did I end up with such a loud roommate? Not that I minded it... In the past three years we have gone from roommates to beat friends. And, to be honest, I wanted to take our relationship a step further. But... I was scared.

'Bokuto doesn't like boys Keiji, get that thought out of your head!'

But here I am despite all my tries, looking at our selfie together the first day we got into the dorms.

I smiled softly and set my phone down.

'Come on Keiji! You don't have time for love, you have to study if you wanna pass the exams and get your doctor's license!'

I set the phone down and grabbed my book again, focusing on the paragraph about insomnia rather than the phone on the other side of the desk.


Time passed quickly and I closed my book on the last chapter as I memorized it. I opened it again and after I saw that I had learned everything correctly, I closed it with a content sigh.

I stretched my back as a groan left my lips from the too much time sitting down. I looked at my phone again.

10 pm?! And Bokuto isn't here yet?!

I panicked and called him, thankfully he picked it up.

"Hey hey Akaashi! What's wrong? You never call me!" his cheerful voice made me relax a little.

"I just saw the time and noticed that you hadn't returned so I got worried"

"Awww, you shouldn't be! I'm passing the library right now, I'll be there in five minutes"

And suddenly thunder was heard. I screamed and jumped up, falling down and crawling towards my bed.

"Akaashi? Are you okay?! Why did you scream?!" his voice changed immediately to worries.

"I-I'm sc-scared of thunder..." I mumbled as I looked out the window with scared eyes.

"B-Bokuto-san, please come here quick, I-I'm scared a-a-alone" I whimpered as tears flowed down my face.

"Don't worry, just hang in there, I'll be there before you know it!" he all but yelled in my ear. I nodded but the tears won't stop.

He hung up and I hugged my knees to my chest, rocking myself back and forth, trying to calm down.

Suddenly the door burst open making me yell again as I looked up, seeing Bokuto-san's face and relaxing.

"Akaashi! Oh thank God your safe!" he sighed and kneeled in front of me as he took my face between his hands.

"Alright, I know it's hard right now and I'm right here next to you, so I need you to tell me 1 thing you can taste..."


"Okay good job, now 2 things you can smell"

"Vanilla... And orange"

"Okay that's great, you're doing so good, now 3 things you can hear"

"Your voice, your heartbeat and the ticking of the clock"

"Perfect, you're so amazing, now 4 things you can touch"

"Your arms, the floor, the bed, the mattress"

"Yeah, you've got it. And now, five things you can see"

"Your face, the desk, the carpet, my books, your hair"

"Keiji, you did it. Good job!" he said in his still calm voice and it was then that I realized that my panic attack was over.

"Thank you, Bokuto-san" I whispered and hugged him tight, burying my face in his chest.

"No problem Akaashi, this is what I'm here for" he whispered and kissed the too of my head.

"I brought lunch, wanna eat?" he asked after a few minutes and I pulled back and nodded.

He smiled and got up going to the kitchen and grabbing the ramen while I got up and blew my nose.

"Neh, Akaashi, how come you don't have a girlfriend?" he asked as he plopped on the couch next to me as I opened the TV, a cliche American film was playing.

"I'm not into girls" I didn't take my eyes off of the screen as I switched through the channels.

"Oh, okay" he said quietly and then I stopped switching the channels when I saw that fast and furious 5 was playing.

"Akaashi?" his voice was heard as I hummed in response.

"How would you feel if I kissed you?" my eyes widened and I looked at him. His face was completely serious and he had a small blush on his face.

"Well, kiss me and find out" I mumbled and blushed as well, looking down, the movie long forgotten.

I felt his fingers under my chin, lifting it up softly and looking me in the eye, as if asking me if I wanted him to kiss me (remember kids, consent is beautiful).

I nodded and blushed as he leaned in, my eyes fluttering closed as his lips touched mine.

His lips were soft and molded perfectly with my own, as he kissed me slowly, not making any sudden movements.

I blushed at his action but kissed back, taking the initiative and tangling my hand in his surprisingly soft hair.

I sighed and he took the opportunity, thrusting his tongue in my mouth and fighting with my own, until I couldn't breathe.

I pulled back and looked at him with half-hooded eyes.

"Well, will you lease be my boyfriend?" he asked and I nodded softly as I looked at him and blushed.

He smiled the biggest smile I gave ever seen him smile and he picked me up, sitting me on his lap and hugging me tightly, his lips on my neck leaving kisses.

"Bokuto-san what are you d- ahh" I suddenly moaned as he found my sweet spot and I felt his breath there for a short moment before his lips started leaving a hickey there, making me gasp and throw my head back, giving him more access to my neck.

He pulled back after a few seconds and looked at my neck proudly.

"Now everyone will know that you belong to me" he looked up at me and smirked as I smiles softly at him.

"Yeah, I'm yours, Bokuto-san"

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