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Iwaoi / Iwaizumi x Oikawa

Oikawa POV

Practice was finally over. We were currently in the locker room cooling off before heading home when my phone rang. I looked at it and say my mother's name.

"Hey mom!" I said in my cheery voice and everyone began doing dumb shit but one of Iwa-chan's death glares stopped them.

"Hey sweetheart! Did you finish practice?"

"Yeah I'll be going home in a few minutes. Why? Did something happen?"

"Well, your father was an idiot and didn't know how to fix the sink so now the house is full of water, that's why I called you. We called a plumber but he will go there tomorrow"

"Oh, then where are you guys?"

"We are in your grandparents house but they don't have more space for you so you'll have to go to a motel or something for tonight"

"Okay mom, I'll find something, thanks for the heads up. Say grandma and grandpa that I said hi and we'll talk tomorrow okay?"

"Okay sweetheart I love you"

"Love you too, goodnight"


I hang up and sighed as I looked down.

"What happened Shittykawa?" I heard Iwa-chan's voice from beside me.

"Our house flooded and now I have to find a hotel to stay the night. Aaand, I just remembered that I don't have money. Fuck my life" I sighed out and I was on the verge of crying.

"Not to sound too nice, but you can crash at my place for tonight if you want"


"Yes, but only for tonight!" he said glaring and pointing his finger at my face.

"Only for tonight! Thank you Iwa-chan!"

"Yeah yeah whatever, now come on, we'll miss the bus" he said and got up. I grabbed my bag and followed him outside.

The air was still warm outside despite it being almost nighttime. The bus came and we went in and sat on the back of the bus. The ride was quiet and I was almost on the verge of falling asleep when the bus stopped.

"Come on this is our stop" Iwa-chan's voice woke me up a little. We got out and started walking. It was night by now and you could see the stars in the sky.

"Neh, Iwa-chan"


"Are you sure you're okay with me crashing at your place?"

"No, I'm not, but we're best friends and that's what best friends do"

"Awww Iwa-chaaaan, that was so cuteee"

"Okay I swear to God if you don't stop squealing in my ear I'll let you sleep outside!"

"Iwa-chan so rude" I whined and pouted. He laughed a little and looked at me. I smiled at that scene. Seeing Iwa-chan happy made me happy too. I wanted to protect that smile.

"Oi! Oikawa! What happened to you?" his voice brought me out of my trance.

"Are you okay? You completely spaced out!" he asked concerned and I smiled softly.

"Yeah I'm fine, let's go" I whispered with my head down and started walking again.

"The stars are beautiful tonight" he commented and that made me look up at the sky. It was full of stars, you could see a few constellations too.

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