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Daisuke x Haru

Haru POV

"I still can't believe it" I grumbled and pouted.

"Inspector Katou, please, for the love of God, will you please stop complaining?" I heard his annoying voice next to me.

"No I fucking can't! Now shut up and focus on the road, I don't wanna die by your reckless driving!"

"Okay enough!" he said and stopped on the side of the road.

"What the fuck is happening to you? By the moment we left the building you're always complaining about something! At least tell me what it is!" he yelled and slammed his fist on the stirring wheel. I was taken aback and pouted.

"I was supposed to spend the weekend with my friends! And not with you on a mission!"

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not the one that decided to go on this mission together" he said shrugging.

"Yeah, but you're the only one I have right now so shut up and take my whining like a man!" I pouted and turned around.

He chuckled, making me whip my head around and I caught a glimpse of his smile. Damn it, he's hot.

"Inspector Katou? Are you okay?" he waved his hands in front of me and I snapped out of it and shook my head.

"Yeah let's keep moving" I said and looked ahead.

The rest of the ride was silent and it was almost night and we were still in the woods.

"Damn it, I thought that we would reach like a city or something by nighttime. I guess we have to camp" I heard him whisper and I turned to him.

"Camp? You know what camping is?!" I asked shocked and started laughing.

"If you wanna know, I was in the British army for four years before coming here, I know what camping is" he says mockingly and pulls up in the side of the road.

"Come on" he motioned for me to get out of the car and he walked around it, opening the trunk and pulling out a tent. I was left looking at him with my mouth agape and eyes bulging.

"A fly will get into your mouth" he said softly and he gently closed my mouth with his finger. I blinked a little then blushed furiously.

"Come on, the tent won't set up itself" he teased and I slowly walked towards him. I helped him set up the tent then I realized something.

"Wait this is too small for the both of us!" I exclaimed.

"You can sleep in the car. I am sleeping in the tent no matter what. Now if you want you can sleep in the tent or the uncomfortable back seat of the car"

"Ugh, whatever, I'm no masochist, I'll just share the tent" I sighed. It's fine, Haru. Just one night.

"Come on let's go to sleep, we don't want anything attacking us now do we?"

"Yeah, I agree"

I entered the tent and went to the right side of it and laid down. He entered too and laid next to me.

"Alright I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Daisuke" I said and turned around.

"Fine, goodnight, Haru" he said and after a few minutes I heard his soft snores. I turned around and looked up with one arm over my forehead and one beneath my chest. I looked at him and smiled peacefully. Well, this is going to be a long night.

~time skip a few hours later~

I was still not sleeping when I saw Daisuke turning around and panting in his sleep. I turned towards him and saw him clutching his suit and tears streaming down his face.

"Daisuke? Daisuke! Wake up! It's just a nightmare!" I said loudly and shook him. He shot up as if he had seen a ghost and looked around frantically.

"Hey hey hey, it's me, Haru, it's okay you're fine, it was just a nightmare" I reassured him, grabbing his cheeks and making him look in the eye. His eyes widened and he hugged me as he cried on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him, as I played with his hair to calm him down.

After a while he pulled away and looked down.

"Hey, wanna go for a walk to calm you down?" I asked softly and touched his forearm. He weakly nodded and I helped him up. We started walking in the woods when I saw a spot that was clear of trees and you could see at the sky.

I grabbed his hand and walked there. I sat down with him and he looked up at the sky.

"Thank you, Haru" I heard him whisper and I looked at him. He was still looking up at the sky and I took the chance to analyze his features. He really was an attractive man despite his attitude. If only he wasn't do arrogant and cocky all the time!

"Haru? Can I ask you something?" he said and looked me in the eye.

"If course tell me"

"Can you kiss me? I need you to please" he said and looked down embarrassed.

I blushed and nodded. I lifted his head up with my fingers and looked him in the eye. I leaned in and closed my eyes. He closed his eyes too and then our lips connected.

I kissed him softly until I felt him kiss me harder. I kissed back harder, swiping my tongue over his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, as we fought for dominance which I eventually won.

I pulled back a string of saliva connecting our lips and before I could take a proper breath hid lips attacked my neck and he started kissing, sucking and biting on my neck, making me gasp as he left a hickey there. He pulled back and looked me in the eye.

"You're mine got that?" he asked me and looked me straight in the eye.

"Yeah I'm yours" I smiled at his words. Damn it I'm in love. And trouble.

Ayo, Daiharu cheeeeck!

Request by: AlienForLife109 hope I met your expectations :)

So I was planning on writing a daiharu angst bc my cousin broke my skateboard and I was super sad but then the request came and I was like "it's fine, I'll tribute my skateboard on the next one"

So yeah, hope you liked it and see you on the next one guys :)

Eva-chan out!

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