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Bokuto x Akaashi

Akaashi POV

I was still awake. I hadn't slept all night. I could see the sun coming up and the dreaded day begun.

The day, Bokuto would leave. I turned around and looked at him, his hair falling on his forehead and little snores left his mouth.

I smiled and softly stroked his cheek. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning baby" he yawned and stretched his arms.

"Good morning, Bokuto-san" I whispered and kissed him softly on the lips. I pulled back and looked at his golden orbs. Damn it, I'm gonna miss you, Bokuto-san. So much!

"Hey, wanna go shower together?" his voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, we gotta get ready" I said and got off the bed. Before I could take a step his arms snaked around my waist and knees and he picked me up bridal style.

"I don't think you can walk after last night" he smirked and I blushed and hid my face in his chest. Damn, I'm gonna miss you Bokuto.

We got ready then headed to the airport. His flight left in an hour but we went there nevertheless.

"Flight 364 towards Tokyo is leaving. All passengers board the plane"

I looked at Bokuto and he looked back at me. I started crying and hugged him tight.

"I'm gonna miss you" I said and I felt his tears too.

"I'm gonna miss you too" he says and pulls back. Suddenly his on his one knee and pulls out a small box.

"Akaashi Keiji, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" he asked and opened the box revealing a golden ring with diamonds engraved on it. I gasped and covered my mouth as I frantically nod my head. I heard cheers around me and he smiled and got up, slipping the ring on my finger and kissing me with passion.

"When I come back for Christmas vacation, you better be prepared for the wedding" he whispered and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you, Kotarou" I whispered and connected our foreheads.

"I love you too. Never forget that" he whispered and looked at my eyes.

"Okay I have to go" he whispered and hugged me tight.

"Be safe, I love you" I whispered and pulled back. He grabbed his suitcase and went towards the checkout. He looked at me one last time and smiled with tears in his eyes.

"I love you, Akaashi Keiji"

"I love you, Bokuto Kotarou"

And with that he turned around and left. I looked down at the ring and tears started streaming down my face. Six months, Akaashi. Six months and you'll be married.

~time skip 6 months later~

The day had finally come. He was coming back! I had missed him so much!

"Okay babe I have to hang up I'm boarding the plane. We'll talk face to face in a few hours okay?"

"Okay, I love you, Kotarou!"

"I love you too, Akaashi" I hang up and looked at the ceiling. I lifted my hand and looked at the ring. I caressed it and smiled softly. And then my phone rang. I looked at it and saw Kenma's number.

"Hey Kenma, everything set up?"

"Yeah we're on our way to get you ready. Make sure you shower you hear me?! And brush your teeth! And for the love e of God please put deodorant!"

"Okay okay I got it! I'm waiting for you guys thanks" I laughed and hang up. I did what he told me and finally they were here. Kenma, Hinata, Yaku and Oikawa.

"Okay let's get you ready to get married!" smiled Oikawa and popped open a champagne.

"Oikawa, please calm down we don't want him drunk in his own wedding!" said Kenma but handed me a flute of champagne nevertheless.

"Just one, to ease the nerves" he smiled and we toasted.

"Okay enough procrastination let's get ready!" and for the next two hours I was getting ready.

"Okay you're ready" said Oikawa and slapped me on my shoulders.

"Bokuto's gonna love it" he sing-songed.

"Okay come on guys! Time to go!" said Yaku and pointed at his clock.

We left the house then went to the church. Everyone was there except for Kuroo who was responsible of picking up Bokuto from the airport.

"Nervous?" asked Kenma. He was my best man.

"Yeah" I nodded and he handed me a tissue. I wiped of my sweat then handed it back to him.


"No problem, that's what best men are for" he smirked and I laughed. Then we heard the car stop outside. I tensed but then felt Daichi's hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry. I was like this when I married Suga. It'll all be over before you can even realize it. Just relax" he reassured me and I nodded.

Then the doors opened and in came Bokuto in his black suit. Good job Kuroo.

"Akaashi?" his eyes widened when he saw me. I smiled at him. Oh my God I missed him. He ran towards me and hugged me tight as I hugged back.

"What is happening. And why did I have to wear a suit? And why are we in a church?"

"Because we're getting married" I said and looked at him. His eyes widened and then he smiled wildly.

"Come on, I've waited long enough for this day" I said and grabbed his hand and went to stand in front of Daichi with Kenma and Kuroo on either sides of us.

~timeskip to the end of the wedding~

"You may now kiss the groom" Daichi's voice said and in one swift move Bokuto slipped his hand around my waist, pulled me to his chest and kissed me. I melted into the kiss as I grabbed the sides of his neck. How I missed these lips.

He pulled back after a few minutes and looked me in the eye.

"I love you Bokuto Keiji" he gave extra emphasis on the "Bokuto".

"I love you too, Bokuto Kotarou" I smiled and kissed him.

"Okay guys, we're going for drinks, you're coming or what?" Kuroo's voice made us snap to reality.

"Nah, you guys go ahead. I need my time with my Keiji" said Bokuto and looked me in the eye tonight.

"Ooh someone's getting the d tonight! Okay be safe use condoms!" yelled Sugawara making me blush then they left.

"Well, let's go home. I need to show you how much I love you" he whispered in my ear and bit my earlobe making me moan quietly and grip his shoulders. Well, this is going to be one hell of a reunion.

Ayo! Bokuaka fluff cheeeeck!

So, I was planning to make it an angst but I couldn't bring myself to kill poor Bokuto-San so I thought fuck it I'm gonna make it fluff.

Honestly, I think it turned out better as a fluff and not an angst. Idk tell me your ideas, I think I did a pretty good job. Idk why I find it hard writing abt weddings and stuff and yeah.

So, the chapter is done see you on the next one guys!

Eva out!

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