this can't be happening

378 19 15

cheryl's pov

on the phone

toni: um hi
cheryl: hi. how are you?
toni: i'm good. everything's great. what about you?
cheryl: i'm doing well. i miss you
toni: yea me too
cheryl: you don't have to say yes but i was wondering if i could maybe see you anytime soon
toni: i actually don't know if that's a good idea
cheryl: just tell me where you are and i could get a flight as soon as possible
toni: cheryl it's really not a good idea
cheryl: do you have a girlfriend? i'm sorry i shouldn't have called-
toni: no cher i don't have a girlfriend. i'm just not in a great place
cheryl: ok. i guess i'll leave you alone then
toni: thanks. i'll talk to you another time
cheryl: ok bye
toni: bye cheryl

off call

"so can you track the location now?" veronica asks me. "yea just let me check." i say. if your wondering why we're tracking toni we want to surprise visit her.

veronica and archie are living in thistlehouse at the moment because hiram and hermione kicked veronica out of the pembrooke. i've been living here by myself and nana rose so i figured i would let the happy couple stay here too. it's a big enough house anyway.

"what the hell is kissimmee?" i ask. "it's a place in florida. why is that where she is?" veronica asks. "i think so. but why would toni go to florida? she doesn't have any family there." i say.

"uh i don't know maybe she found a cheap house there or something. it's right near disney world. maybe toni got a job working at disney world!" ronnie says. "i hope your kidding. she would never do that." i say. "true. she is a former serpent. they don't really have the peppy disney world vibes." veronica says.

"do you think it's werid that we're tracking her?" i ask. "to a certain extent yes. but your just worried about her which is understandable. i mean that was your first time talking to her in what 6 years?" veronica says. "yea. it was nice to hear her voice again." i say. "so are we going to florida now?" veronica asks. "you bet." i say and we both laugh.

toni's pov

i can't believe cheryl just called me. i don't even know what to feel. happy? no. sad? no. i just miss her. i knew she could never come here though. i can't risk her finding out about sophie and the fact that we live in a motel. i don't need to be pitied right now.

sophie's an amazing little kid and i take pride in her but i just don't want cheryl to find out i cheated on her. i was stupid and she didn't deserve that.

although my little mistake turned out to be a beautiful and crazy tiny girl. she's my rock and my favorite person in the world. i wouldn't be half the person i am without her.

if cheryl was to ever meet sophie i have absolutely no idea how they would react to each other. i'm sure cheryl's great with kids because she probably has to look after juniper and dagwood sometimes but how would she react to meeting my own daughter. and sophie is so hard to please. she doesn't like most people.

only the ones who have been there since the beginning like me, moonee, ashley, scooty, and halley. they've been there for her for every milestone of her life. there our family.

which is another reason why i don't need cheryl coming here to see me. she'd probably judge my life based on looks. i'm doing the best i can right now for sophie and i don't need another person finding out about all the illegal things i need to do just to keep this small motel room.

i eventually fall asleep after overthinking everything.

the next day

nobody's pov

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