"see i told you it was ok to cry"

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nobody's pov

today is another normal day but it's raining. correction it's pouring. sophie and her friends are sitting outside the lobby because there's a hood that covers them from the rain.

"why are we even out here?" scooty asks. "i didn't know it was gonna rain." moonee says. "did you not even watch the news?" jancey asks. "i never watch the news. it's so boring!" moonee says. "i watch the news. it's not that boring." jancey shrugs.

"i'm hungry." sophie says. "ice cream?" scooty suggests. "who in there right mind would get ice cream in this weather?!" moonee asks. "it's worth a look." scooty says. "ugh fine let's go then." moonee says and they all stand up and run away from the motel.

as soon as there not covered anymore they all scream and squeal. "it's raining it's pouring!" moonee sings. sophie giggles and starts spinning around in the rain. "tag your it!" scooty says and taps jancey's back. she quickly turns around and goes after moonee.

there all running away from each other and screaming. "i take it back! i love the rain!" scooty shouts. "me too. rain is underrated!" sophie screams.

"guys look there's people with an umbrella getting ice cream!" moonee shouts and points to the ice cream shop that wasn't too far away now. they all start running at full speed but sophie ends up tripping and falling on the concrete. "ow." she winces in pain and looks at her clothes that are now covered in mud.

"sophie! are you ok?" jancey asks and immediately runs to her side. "it hurts but i'm ok." sophie says and jancey helps her up. "are you sure your ok? sorry for making you run so fast." scooty says. "i'm fine. it's scraped though." sophie says and points to her now scraped knees. she's biting her bottom lip trying her best not to cry.

"sophie are you sure your ok? you know it's ok to cry. we won't make fun of you." moonee says. "guys i promise i'm fine. and it's my turn to get the ice cream anyway." sophie says. "ok if your so sure." scooty says and shrugs.

soph walks up to the ice cream stand and quickly catches up to the girls with the umbrella before they leave. "hi um i was wondering-" sophie starts and the girls turn around. immediately sophie realizes its the girls who were looking for toni yesterday.

veronica and cheryl.

"oh my god are you ok?" veronica asks. "yea i'm fine i swear i was just really in the mood for ice cream but i don't have any money." sophie says. "your all scraped up. what happened?" cheryl asks.

veronica goes closer to sophie to look at her scrapes. sophie steps back hesitantly. "hey it's ok. i won't hurt you." veronica says in a soft voice and bends down to her level. "uh ok." sophie says.

"are you here alone?" cheryl asks. sophie sighs before decdiding to blow her cover. "i-no. my friends are here. behind the bushes." she says and points. moonee, scooty, and jancey soon realized what was going on and stood up, revealing themselves from the bushes.

"why were they hiding?" veronica asks clearly confused. "we were hiding because we wanted ice cream." jancey blurts out. moonee face palms herself and shakes her head. "why would you tell them? now we're going to get in trouble." scooty sighs.

"we won't tell anyone i promise. we just want to know what's going on." cheryl says nicely. "in order to get ice cream everyday we ask other people for money." sophie explains. "oh." veronica says after realizing.

"i have question." moonee says and veronica and cheryl both nod. "why are you here? is it to take sophie away? please don't take sophie away!" moonee says in a panick. the thought of losing her friends really scared moonee. "no not at all. we came to talk to toni." cheryl says.

at first cheryl had no intention of taking sophie. i mean how could she? before she got here she didn't even know toni had a daughter. but her original plan was to get toni back to riverdale. home and safe. if toni goes sophie would go too. obviously cheryl wasn't about to tell a 6 year old that though.

"then why are you here?" scooty asks curiously. "we just wanted to see toni. we were friends, best friends, with her in high school. we missed her a lot but we didn't know she had a daughter." veronica says.

"do you guys always just run around wherever you want? even in the rain?" cheryl asks. "yea but normally we wouldn't go out in the rain. we just wanted something to eat so we ran. that's how sophie got hurt." jancey explains.

cheryl takes some cash out of her purse and hands it to jancey. her face lights up at the cash that sat in her hand. "you can buy four cones with that." cheryl says. jancey smiles and runs to go buy the ice cream.

"sophie do your scrapes hurt?" veronica asks. sophie didn't want to look like a wimp or a baby but she was also in a lot of pain. she just nods and then tears start to fill her eyes. veronica embraces her in a hug and sophie just stayed stiff. she didn't know whether to hug her back or not. after all she was pretty much a stranger to her.

"see i told you it was ok to cry." moonee says sweetly to her friend.

"i want my mom." sophie whispers. "yea of course we'll take you back to the motel." cheryl says. jancey walks back over to them with the ice cream and hands them to all the kids.

"do you want me to carry you?" veronica asks sophie. she thought for a moment. again she barely knew these people but they seemed really nice and she was in a lot of pain. she nods and veronica picks her up onto her hip. they all start walking back to the motel while the kids happily eat there ice cream.

cheryl isn't completely comfortable with sophie yet which is why she didn't offer to carry her herself. she was her ex girlfriend's daughter so you can see why she needed some time to process everything. it was best to let veronica handle sophie right now.

they got back to the motel completely soaked because of the rain but made it to toni's room. cheryl knocked vigorously until toni opened the door. "holy shit sophie! what happened?" toni asks and takes sophie from veronica. "she fell and got hurt." scooty says.

"uh ok um kids you can go to halley's room for the rest of the day she should be in there. veronica and cheryl come in and explain everything." toni says and everyone listens.

"mama it hurts." sophie cries. "i know i'm just going to clean it and then put a band aid on." toni says and takes sophie into the bathroom. she makes quick work of everything and soon all of sophie's scrapes are covered up.

cheryl and veronica were both observering awkwardly but were both suprised by how well toni handled the situation. it was the first time they both got to see toni step up and really be there for sophie. it was an eye opener to both of them. cheryl also noticed that toni was still wearing her serpent jacket. not that it mattered but cheryl did notice.

toni lifts sophie off the bathroom counter and she runs onto the bed. toni walks out of the bathroom and looks and cheryl and veronica. "what happened?" she simply asks. cher and ronnie tell the whole story and how everything happened.

"t-thank you." toni says after they finish the story. "no problem." cheryl smiles. "soph what do you say?" toni asks and turns to her daughter. "what- oh thank you." she says. "your welcome." veronica says.

"so when are you guys going back to riverdale?" toni asks awkwardly. "tomorrow." veronica answers. "well it was nice to see you guys again." toni says. "yea you too. we missed you. like a lot." cheryl says. toni just nods and smiles. "we're gonna get going now." veronica says as her and cheryl head for the door. "ok. sophie say bye." toni says. "bye." sophie says and waves. they both wave back and head out of the room.

some might think that after today's events getting toni to move back to riverdale was impossible. and honestly veronica and cheryl would probably agree.

but cheryl has a different plan. one that she knew would make toni happy. she just needed to sever some ties in riverdale before she could make the plan reality.

A/n: any theories about the plan?

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