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A/n: wow a fast update? from me? that's new. anyway this story is just really interesting to write for me so i hope you guys enjoy reading it!

toni's pov

"cheryl i appreciate the offer but i can't move." i say. "why not? you don't really have that much stuff. you could easily bring all this stuff on a plane." cheryl says. "cher just no. i can't." i say. "toni you obviously don't like living here come on it would be like old times." veronica says.

"actually i do like living here and so does sophie." i say. "b-but you live in a motel room." cheryl says. "ok and? see this is exactly why i didn't want you guys coming here. i knew you would judge everything based on looks." i say and roll my eyes.

"toni we're just offering a better place to live. sophie could go to riverdale elementary and she'd make so many new friends. she could play on a real playground instead of just running around an old motel." veronica says softly.

"the answer is no. you guys know nothing about me. maybe you did in high school but not anymore. and you certainly know nothing about my kid." i say and get off the bed. "i do know that kids shouldn't be left alone to do whatever they want in motel parking lots." cheryl says.

"are you guys even listening to yourselves?! you met these kids like 2 minutes ago. you have no idea what there even like. you even said it yourself veronica. sophie has an attitude. why would you want to help her?" i ask. now i'm getting a little upset.

"because she's yours toni! we care about you!" cheryl says. "ok i'm different person then i was 6 years ago. i have different friends. i have sophie. you guys would never understand this but we need to live here. sophie needs to be here." i say.

"i get it she has friends here and so do you but riverdale is where you belong. we all miss you so much. and sophie could even be friends with juniper and dagwood. there 6 now too." cheryl says. "you really don't get it do you?" i ask. "no toni we really don't. please enlighten us." veronica says.

"sophie is not a normal kid. and yes i admit that's my fault but she will never ever fit in with juniper and dagwood or any kid in riverdale. for all i know they probably strut around in there $500 clothing probably bought by you cheryl and are little princes and princesses. sophie is not your little princess! for gods sake she's not even my little princess. she likes rolling in mud because to her that's fun. she likes cursing because to her that's fun. and she likes spitting on other people's car because to her that's fun. and guess what? all her friends like doing those things too because they all grew up like she did. broke and unprivileged. and that's not a bad thing so don't you dare say it is. this is reality for us. she doesn't know any different and i don't plan on exposing her to your hoity-toity rich living." i say and feel a tear escape my eye.

cheryl and veronica are both speechless and just staring at me.

"maybe that's true. or maybe you just don't want sophie to know that you've been hiding her from from the rest of the world." veronica says. "hiding her? what? how?" i ask. "well she probably knows that disney world is like 5 minutes away. has she ever asked why she's never been?" cheryl asks.

"no! and she obviously knows the answer to that. like i said earlier sophie is not a normal and naive kid. she knows everything. she knows we're broke because from the time she could start talking she would ask for something as simple as getting a toy and i would have to say no!" i say.

"that's exactly why i'm saying this. we could provide for sophie and you if you guys would just come back to riverdale. you could have your normal life back." cheryl says. "the answer is still no. i have a new family here. they love me and they love sophie." i say.

"we love you too. and we don't want to lose you again so can you just stop being stubborn and at least think about our offer? you know it would be what's best." veronica says. "you have no idea what's best for me and sophie. just go!" i say.

"fine. but just consider the offer. and when your ready to talk again just give us a call." cheryl says softly and i nod with tears streaming down my face.

they both leave and i fall back onto to my bed. i could never move back to riverdale. not now not ever. sophie and i both belong here. the circumstances are not ideal at all considering what i have to do but it's for sophie. sophie would absolutely kill me if i made her move to some small town and into some big ass mansion. she's appreciatative of her life now and makes the most of it.

i don't even know what to think right now. i'm just so lost.

"mom! we got the diner food!" sophie says while knocking on the door. i quickly wipe away my tears and open the door. "where are we eating today?" i ask. "were you- crying?" moonee asks. "no i wasn't crying i was just watching tv." i say.

"your face looks red. are you sure your ok?" jancey asks. "i'm fine. but where are we eating?" i ask again. "picnic tables." scooty says and we walk down the stairs and to the picnic tables. halley is already waiting there.

"who were the two girls?" sophie asks while we start eating. "no one." i say. "one of them said they were your ex." moonee says and giggles. "wait hold up cheryl was here?" halley asks. "uh yea." i sigh.

"no way i wanted to finally meet the bitch." halley says and i side eye her. "what i'm allowed to call her that. didn't you say her cheerleading uniform had that or something?" halley asks. "oh right i did." i say.

"why was she here?" scooty asks. "no reason. just wanted to say hi." i say. "whatever we know your lying." moonee says and takes a sip of her juice box. "sometimes having smart kids is a good thing until they do this." halley says and rolls her eyes. "we're just curious." jancey says. "a little too curious." i say.

we keep eating and chatting until moonee gets up. "mom look at me twerk." she says. "me too. i can shake ma bootayyy" sophie says. "oh yea get it girls." i say. "ayeeee yes girls." halley says hyping them up. jancey and scooty are both laughing and eventually all of us start laughing.

"guys look there's a helicopter passing by." halley says and points up. we all put the middle finger up and wave it around. yes i know that's not exactly nice or respectful in any way but the kids think it's a joke and they have fun doing it.

"middle finger!" moonee screams. "your a wild animal." halley says and takes a waffle off moonee's plate. "that's mine." moonee says. "mine now." halley shrugs and eats it.

"why don't you guys go play something if your done?" i suggest. "ok!" sophie says and they all run away.

"now can you tell me what the fuck cheryl was doing here? i thought you didn't tell anyone you were living here." halley says. "i didn't. that's the thing. i have no fucking idea how they even found me." i say. "that's kind of stalker ish." halley says. "i know. i might've said a few things that i probably shouldn't have though." i sigh.

"oh crap girl did you tell her about the- you know." halley says. "oh my god no hay. i think i would've had to kill myself if i did. no way am i risking anyone else knowing." i say. "good. who knows what they'd do with that information." halley says.

"they had good intentions coming though." i say. "what did they want?" she asks. "they want me to move back to riverdale." i sigh. "please tell me you said no." she says. "are you kidding me? of course i said no." i say.

"oh thank god i don't think i could survive a day without you. and moonee would be crushed. she loves you. even though she doesn't show it ever." halley says. "and i love her. i love all the kids. and i love you. i could never leave. as much as i would love to get myself out of this broke mess i just can't." i say.

"there's no getting rid of me bitch." halley says and i laugh. "yea this is my home. and from the outside it might not look too pleasant but it comes with its perks. 4 hilarious kids and one badass best friend." i say and halley smiles.

sometimes overtime a person can change. i think cheryl and veronica need to rethink that.

A/n: anyone have a favorite character yet? 🤔

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