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A/n: little filler chapter

toni's pov

we spent a few more minutes talking with everyone before we all left the bar.

"halley when you go downstairs to get the kids can you take sophie with you? i have to do something." i say. "yea of course i'll take her." halley says before opening the basement door.

"jug can i please talk to betty before you?" i turn and ask him. "i mean i guess. why though?" he asks confused. "i don't even know. i just want to talk to her." i say. "yea you can try. she's most likely in our room." jughead says. "ok thank you." i say and practically run out of the bar and back to the motel.

with running it only took me 5 minutes. i walk up the stairs out of breath before getting to betty and jughead's room.

"betty can you please open the door?" i ask while knocking. "toni go back to your room. it's late." betty says. "please betty. i just want to talk." i say. "toni go home!" betty says. "i am home genius." i say.

"you know what i mean. go back to your room. sophie needs you." she says. "sophie's at the bar and halley's taking her back here. can you please just open the door?" i ask again. "i really just don't want to toni." she says. "ugh betty for gods sake i don't give a fuck. just open the door." i say.

it stays silent for a moment before the door finally opens. betty is standing there with a beer bottle in her hand.

"betty you don't even drink. what the hell are you doing?" i ask and walk into the room before she closes the door. "well i drink now." she says. "no you don't. why are you getting yourself so worked up by this?" i ask and sit on the bed.

"oh i don't know maybe because i don't wanna go to fucking prison." she says. "we're not going to jail." i sigh. "we could." she says. "i mean- yea, but we won't. and if we do it wouldn't be for long." i say. "that's easy for you to say. you've already been to jail." she says. "yes, but trust me this isn't gonna get us life in prison or anything. what we're doing is technically illegal but we're fine." i say.

"what about the kids?" she asks. "what about them?" i ask. "if we go to jail they have no one." she says. "and if we don't do this and start making money they're gonna end up in the foster care system because their parents are financially unstable. i mean for fucks sake i'm surprised we haven't even been declared unfit yet if i'm being honest." i say.

"i hope that's the alcohol talking." betty says. "i didn't drink tonight." i say. "i saw you toni. on your break." she says. "ok maybe i drank a little." i say. "a little?" betty asks and laughs. "hey you're not much better." i say and laugh. "you're not wrong." she says.

"i seriously promise as long as we're careful we won't get caught." i say. "ok. and i'm really sorry for what i said. you're actually an amazing mom and you love sophie so much. i- i can't believe i even said those bitchy things about you. and halley and ashley." she says.

"it's really ok. i mean from an outsider looking in it could definitely look like i'm a terrible mother. i promise i try my best to be a good one. this is simply the best i can do. and yes i do anything for money. the money's not for myself though it's all for sophie. i swear." i say.

"yea i know. i didn't mean anything i said. i think i'm just really scared of the possibility that something can go horribly wrong." she says.

"don't worry. i may not seem like it but i'm scared too. i mean i could lose sophie. that's the most terrifying thought in the world for me. i may not show it always but i'm so protective over her. i mean yea i let her roam around wherever she wants but that's really just because that's what makes her happy. it's her only bit of childhood that actually makes her happy. i almost have to let her do that with her friends. and i know this area is safe for the most part." i say.

"yea i get that. i barley even know sophie and i'm scared she could possibly be taken away from you. you can tell she loves you so much." betty says and i smile. "thanks. you don't even know how much that means to me." i say.

"when you see cheryl and veronica again can you tell them i'm really sorry?" she asks. "yea i'll tell them. but i really think you should talk to them yourself. you'd probably be surprised with what they have to say." i say.

"i guess i'll try. also are you and cheryl- together?" she asks. "i don't even know. we don't really see each other much. unless we're both at the bar." i say.

"have you been to her apartment?" she asks. "yea a few times. the first time i went we- did stuff." i say. "no way. you guys are so together." she smirks. "i don't know yet. i mean i hope so. sophie actually loves her which is great." i say. "aw i could totally see you guys being an adorable family." she says.

"i hope so. do you miss the twins?" i ask. "juniper and dagwood? yea i miss them a lot. they were the best. could always make me happy even on my worst days. it was like magic or something." she says. "that's the crazy thing about kids. they always make you happy especially when you're at your worst." i say.

"have you ever planned on having kids?" i ask. "not really. i would love to have one but now that we're living here nothing is really ideal. also i'm not sure what jug would think." she says. "well i'm sure sophie would love to have a baby cousin." i say. "cousin?" she asks.

"cousin. you're like my sister now." i say. "really?" she asks and i nod. "of course betty. i love you." i say. "i love you. and you're like my sister too." she says and hugs me. i hug her tightly and the pull away.

"do you promise me you'll stop drinking your worries away?" i say and take the beer out of her hand. "as long as you do the same." she says. "i will. and talk to veronica and cheryl please." i say. "ok ok i will." she says and i stand up.

"ok have a goodnight betty. and thanks for letting me talk." i say. "anytime. thanks for forgiving me." she says. "of course." i say and walk out of her room to my own and wait for halley to bring sophie back.

A/n: do you guys have any theories on how this book might end or on what might happen in future chapters?

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