each other's favorites

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A/n: warning: cuteness overload in this chapter 🥰

cheryl's pov

"sophie. come on we're here." i say while holding the car door open. toni had some business to take care of today so i was in charge of sophie. i decided to take her shopping because she needs new clothes for when school starts again.

"sorry i kinda dozed off on the car ride here." she says and gets out of the car. "it's fine." i say and shut the door. "where are we?" she asks. "the mall." i say as we walk through the parking lot.

"the mall?" she asks. "yea. it's this place that has a bunch of stores and-" i say but she cuts me off. "no i know what a mall is i just didn't know we had one where we live." sophie says. "well now you know." i say and we enter the building.

"woah." she says and stares at everything in front of her. "pretty cool right?" i ask. "incredible. come on let's go!" she says and runs in front of me. i smile at her and try to catch up.

"where do you want to go first?" i ask her. "wait we're here to buy stuff?" she asks. "uh yea." i say. "wow. ok um i want to shop somewhere that has clothes." she says and i laugh a little.

"do you have a favorite store maybe?" i ask. "dollar general." she says. "well how about like a clothing store?" i ask. "goodwill." she says. "you've never been shopping at any stores besides those?" i ask. "nope." she says.

"oh ok how about i'll just take you into some stores and you tell me if you see anything you like." i suggest. "ok." she says and i first take her to abercrombie kids.

she looks around for a little bit by herself while i put random things i find in my cart. she comes back over to me with a jacket in her hand. "can i have this?" she asks. "yea of course. put it in the cart. that's a lovely jacket." i say and she puts it in the cart.

"why are there so many other things in the cart?" she asks. "oh it's just some things i thought you'd like." i say. "that's a lot." she says. "its fine." i say and she nods hesitantly.

we stand on line until it's finally our turn. "how are you today?" the cashier asks. "good how are you?" i ask. "good." she says and rings up all the items. "that'll be $246." she says and i hand her my credit card.

"what?! no don't do it!" sophie screams. "sophie it's okay calm down." i say and bend down to her level.

"no cheryl that's too much! no way am i gonna let you spend that much on me!" she says.

"i told you soph it's fine. i have the money i promise." i say calmly. "that's too much money. i don't need the jacket that bad." she says practically begging at this point. "sophie please stop worrying about money. you don't have to ok?" i say.

i really didn't want her to have a mental breakdown over money. she's 6 years old and shouldn't have to worry about that stuff.

"should i ring this up or?" the cashier asks. "yes, sorry." i say and stand back up. sophie looks upset or maybe even mad. it's hard to tell. "here you go ma'am have a great day." the cashier says and hands me a bag. "thanks you too." i say and take the bag before walking out with sophie.

"why did you do that?" she asks once we're out of the store. "do what?" i ask. "buy that much for me." she says. "because i care about you." i say. "my mom cares about me but she would never spend that much money on me." sophie says.

"trust me she would if she could." i sigh. "but she can't because shes broke." she says. "she's not broke." i say. "yes she is." soph says. "how do you know?" i ask. "because she told me so." she says.

"toni- i mean your mom told you?" i ask in confusion. "yep. she doesn't lie to me. she tells the truth." sophie says.

"oh. hey do you wanna get ice cream?" i ask trying to change the subject. "sure i love ice cream." she says. we go to the food court in the mall and get our ice cream. i got strawberry and sophie got vanilla with rainbow sprinkles. we're sitting at a table just enjoying our ice cream.

"can i ask you a question?" sophie asks. "yea of course." i say. "are you guys doing anything illegal at the bar?" she asks and i almost choke on my ice cream. "what- what would make you say that?" i ask.

"i asked the question first." she says. "no. no we're not doing anything illegal." i say. "can i ask you another question?" she asks. "sure." i say. "are you lying?" she asks.

"i'm not lying." i say and shrug. "you're lying." sophie says and smirks. "am not." i say. "yes you are. i can tell." she says. "oh can you now?" i ask and laugh. "you're easy to read." she says. "really?" i ask. "really." she says and we both laugh until i get a phone call.

"shit." i say after i see tonis contact pop up on my phone. i immediately answer.

on the phone:

t: cheryl are you there?
c: yea toni what's up?
t: where are you guys?
c: we're at the mall is everything ok you're scaring me.
t: everything's fine but whatever you do don't bring sophie back here.
c: toni what?! why?
t: they just raided halleys room.
c: who did?
t: cps!
c: did they find anything?
t: i have no idea. but if they did, my room is next
c: i'm gonna ask a question and i really hope the answer is no but IF they were to search your room would you be going to jail?
t: cheryl of course not!
c: thank god.
t: i had my weekly drug delivery earlier today.
c: toni!
t: sorry cher. but the bottom line answer is no they wouldn't find anything but if anything happens to halley i don't want sophie to be here to see everything.
c: yea of course. where's moonee? and the rest of the kids?
t: moonee's in sweet pea's room. scooty is in his own room. jancey is at her own motel.
c: ok good. just please call me when everything is safe.
t: i will.
c: ok bye. love you.
t: love you too babe.

off the phone

"what the hell was that?" sophie asks. "nothing." i say. "you're lying again." she says. "my god why do you have to be nosy?" i ask and she smiles. "it's my specialty." she says.

"ok fine it was actually your mom on the phone." i say honestly. "what did she want?" soph asks. "something happened at the motel. everything's fine now though." i say and she nods. i guess that was an acceptable enough answer for her.

"hey are you mad at me for buying you stuff?" i ask. "i'm not mad." she says. "are you sure? you kind of freaked out in the store." i say. "sorry i didn't mean to. it's just that's a lot of money." she says.

"i know but i just met you and everything and i wanted to spoil you. toni was and is my everything. and meeting her daughter is just like wow." i say. "i understand. anything you'd do for my mom you'd do for me." she says. "exactly. anything for my favorite girls." i say and she smiles.

"am i your favorite out of your favorites?" she asks. "do you wanna be?" i ask. "duh." she says and i laugh. "then yes you're my favorite." i say.

we spent the next 2 hours shopping and slowly but surely sophie was starting to get more comfortable with everything. i ended up getting the ok text from toni to bring sophie back an hour ago but i wanted as much time with soph as possible. i could tell she was starting to get tired so i finally called it a day.

"fun day?" i ask as i give her a piggy back ride out to the car while she holds all her bags. "great day." she says.

"you know how i'm your favorite now?" she asks. "mhm." i hum. "you're my favorite now too." she says and that was enough to make me feel happy for the rest of the night.

you see that's the thing about sophie. she knows how to make you laugh, how to smile, and even how to push your buttons. but most importantly she knows how to love when you need it the most. that's her specialty.

A/n: anyone else in love with cheryl and sophie 🥺

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