a different type of move day

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A/n: ok so i found out that the book should get more happy before it gets sad to help with some character development so that's what i'm doing. enjoy! 🥰🥰

toni's pov

today is move day. now i know what you're thinking. move day? where are we moving? well move day is not exactly what it sounds like.

by state policy we're only allowed to spend 21 days straight in the motel room so after those 21 days are up we have to pack up everything and move out for 24 hours.

"sophie can you at least help me?" i ask while throwing everything i can into boxes. "i don't like move days." she says and rolls her eyes while sitting on the bed. "yea well we don't have a choice." i say. "well i don't wanna do it." she says and crosses her arms.

"ok you can tell bobby that and he'd kick us out then you'll never see moonee, jancey, or scooty ever again." i say. she looks at me and then sighs. "fine." she says and gets up.

we keep packing things and there's a knock on the door.

"come in." i say and bobby opens the door. "you guys ready to start moving this into storage?" he asks. "yea all those boxes sitting there are all packed." i say and he picks up two of them.

for the next 30 minutes we pack up everything and move it into storage leaving our room to look like we were never there. "do you guys have a place to stay tonight?" bobby asks while shutting the storage door.

"yea i actually have a friend who lives close by we're just gonna take a taxi to her apartment." i say. "ok. see you guys in 24 hours. no earlier." he says. "bye bobby." sophie says and waves. "bye soph." he sighs and walks away.

the taxi stops in front of the lobby after 5 minutes and me and sophie get in.

we get to the apartment and sophie stares at the building in awe.

"is this the white house?" she asks. "nope this is where cheryl, veronica, and archie live." i say and laugh. "woah." she says and i take her inside. i already knew the room number so we went straight to the elevators.

"so there really are elevators that don't smell like garbage?" she asks. "yup." i say as the door closes.

as we go up sophie looks around to observe all the beautiful features this elevator actually has.

it comes to a stop and the door opens. "come on soph." i say and she follows me out. we walk down the hallway and i knock in the door with the number 232. archie opens it and smiles at us.

"hey girls." he says. "hi archie." i say. "you girls can come in." he says so me and sophie step inside before he closes the door.

"yay my two favorite girls are here!" veronica says excitedly while running to greet us. "hi v." i say and she gives me a hug. "hey sophie!" she says and soph waves.

"we have spaghetti and meatballs cooking right now." veronica says. "ok great." i say and veronica brings me to the couch.

"so how was your date with cheryl?" she whispers. "v what?! i didn't have a date with her." i whisper back. "well i know you two were here alone. she told me you came over." she says.

"yea i came to talk." i say. "and?" she asks and winks. "ronnie no we didn't." i say and laugh. "oh please i know you did." she smirks. "ok fine we did but don't bring it up." i say and she squeals. "choni is back together!" she whisper screams.

"uh....idk- maybe?" i say questionably.

"where is cher?" i ask. "bathroom." veronica says and i nod. "oh you guys are finally here." cheryl says walking out of the bathroom. "hi cheryl." i say. "hey tt." she says and sits next to me on the couch.

"you called her tt ahh!" veronica screams. "woah chill it's just a nick name." i laugh. "your sure about that?" archie asks and gives me a look. "archie cut it out." cheryl says and nods towards sophie. "ohhh." archie says then quickly shuts up.

sophie looks at all of us then sighs. " it's cute that you guys think i don't know what you're talking about." she says and mildly rolls her eyes. "did you tell her?" cheryl whispers to me confused. "no." i whisper and shake my head. "no she didn't tell me. i found out on my own. it wasn't to complicated either. you made it really easy to figure out." she says so chill.

"what do you mean?" i ask her. "i told you to come here and talk to cheryl. i spent at least 6 hours with moonee and halley. you came to pick me up at exactly 2:43 am. if that doesn't scream i just had sex than i don't know what does." she says and my eyes go wide while everyone else laughs. "uh- i- how do i

even respond to that?" i ask. sophie just shrugs and giggles. "well i mean are you...cool with me and cheryl being um a thing?" i ask. "oh yea totally. you know i'm ok with it mom." she says. "are you sure soph?" cheryl asks. "yup." she says. "uh ok then. i guess everyone here is ok with us being back together." i say. "of course." v says. "can we eat now? i'm starving." sophie asks. "me too kid. let's eat." archie says.

4 hours later
cheryls pov

we finished eating dinner and now me, toni, and veronica are on the couch talking while sophie and archie are sitting on the floor playing video games. call of duty and grand theft auto to be exact. sophie's never played an x box before so archie had to teach her the controls and stuff but she got the hang of it pretty fast.

"archie you have to punch them like this!" sophie screams. "i know i know! did you steal the car?" archie asks. "yes b ut i'm being chased by cops." she says. "do you need backup?" archie asks. "yea....oh shit! i got caught!" sophie screams. "it's alright, good game." archie says and gives her a high five.

"alright soph i think it's time for bed." toni says causing the young girl to groan. "your moms right. it's almost 1 am. how are you not tired?" archie asks and sophie shrugs.

"wait can cheryl put me to bed? please?" soph asks and my heart melts. "if it's ok with her." toni says and looks at me. "yea of course." i say and stand up.

she runs to me to grab my hand and i take her to the guest room. she climbs onto the bed and goes under the covers. i sit on the side next to her. "cheryl?" she asks. "yea?" i say. "can i ask you a question?" she asks. "mhm." i hum. "do you like me too? or just my mom?" she asks.

"soph i love your mom very much but of course i love you too. you're the best." i say. "i am?" she asks and smiles. "yup. the best of the best." i say. "that's a lot of people." she says and giggles. "it is." i say and smile.

her pearly white baby teeth and her beautiful and long brown curly hair makes me want to just squeeze her every 5 seconds.

"can you snuggle with me until i fall asleep?" she asks. "i would love nothing more." i say and get comfy under the blankets. i wrap my arm around sophie and she rests her head on the shoulder. "goodnight soph. sweet dreams." i say. "night cheryl." she says and starts to drift off. i start falling asleep myself and before i know it i'm already out like a light.

nobody's pov

toni, archie, and veronica are all staring inside the guest bedroom to look at the 2 girls cuddling together.

"i can already tell they're going to be so close." archie says. "i know right. cheryls s softie for kids. mainly sophie though." veronica says.

"yea she definitely is." toni says while watching her two most important girl's snuggle while asleep.

A/n: i wrote this at 3 am so sorry for any mistakes 🙃

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