operation florida

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cheryl's pov

me and veronica arrived back in riverdale a few days ago and right now i'm just sitting in bed staring at the ceiling. it's about 11 at night.

knowing toni is out there with basically nothing and i'm sitting here in my mansion is something that just won't leave my mind. i have a good job, my nana is still here, and i have a beautiful home. toni has nothing. except sophie of course.

ever since we left florida i've just been feeling like i had to something to help her. she said she was fine but i could tell she's not. i just want her to be happy and i want to be happy with her. be happy together.

i've been coming up with something ever since we left toni but i'm not really sure if i should go through with it. it was crazy idea and beyond proportion. you know what? fuck it.

i quickly get dressed into a red crop top and ripped black jeans. i grab my bright red serpent jacket which hasn't been touched since graduation. it felt good to put it on again and i felt closer to toni then ever. i know i just saw her but i miss her. well, i miss the old toni.

i go downstairs quietly trying not to bother veronica and archie. i make my way out of the house and to my car. the drive was uneventful since i was by myself. when i finally reach my destination i park and get out of the car.

i take a deep breath before walking into the whyte worm for the first time in 6 years.

wow. nothing has changed. same people, same furniture, same bar. i got a few weird looks but just kept walking. "tequila shots." i say after sitting down at the bar. "cheryl?! what are you doing here?" jughead asks from behind the bar. "i just figured i'd stop by." i say.

"cheryl even i'm not that stupid. no way would you come here unless it was for toni- wait...have you seen toni?!" he whispers. "yup." i say and down one shot. "holy shit where is she?" he asks. "florida and that's all i'm telling you until you agree to something. along with the rest of everyone here." i say.

"what the fuck cheryl. are you serious? i'm not playing one of your stupid high school games." jughead snaps back. "fine then i guess you don't want to help toni." i say and start walking out.

"wait." he says and i sit back down at the bar. "what the hell could you possibly want? money? because i'm sure you've got that covered." he scolds.

"is she bothering you?" sweet pea asks and shows up next to me with fangs. "ugh get over yourselves. i'm here for toni." i say. "toni? what the hell does she want?" fangs asks. "oh are you guys mad at her or something?" i ask. "mad? no. not at all." sweet pea says sarcastically.

"she did nothing to you guys why are you so mad?" i ask. "she did nothing? really? she left us. we were her family and she left." fangs says clearly upset. "it wasn't her fault." i say. "uh yea it was. she was the one who chose to leave." sweet pea says and rolls his eyes. "she better have had a good reason." jughead says.

"she was pregnant." i say quietly.

jughead spits out his beer and his eyes bulge. "your joking right?!" he says. "no why the hell would i joke about that." i say. "shit topaz was pregnant? oh my god." sweet pea mumbles and shakes his head. "i-is the baby still alive?" fangs asks and i nod. "before i give out any more information i need to ask a serious question." i say and all the boys nod.

"would you guys be willing to move the serpents out of riverdale?" i ask already preparing for the worst answer.

"we're southside serpents though. southside as in the southside of riverdale." sweet pea says. "ok just listen to me. toni really needs you guys right now. she needs her family and you guys are it. and trust me she's not moving back here." i say.

"well i'm homeless and have no reason to be here anymore so count me in." fangs says which took me by surprise. "me too. i'm in. for toni." sweet pea says and i smile. "jughead it's up to you now. please. i know you have betty to worry about but toni is literally at her breaking point and her daughter is the only thing keeping her sane right now and she just really needs the serpents." i ramble but jughead cuts me off.

"ok." he sighs. "what?" i ask. "let's do it." he says and i feel a wave of relief. "really?" i ask. "yea. toni's family and no serpent gets left behind." he says. "thank you." i say.

"wait did you say she had a daughter?" fangs asks. "a beautiful little girl." i say. "what's her name?" sweet pea asks. "sophie." i say. "she sounds like a great kid." jughead says and smiles softly. "i didn't get to learn much about her. toni basically kicked me out." i say.

"is she a good mom?" fangs asks. i think for a moment. "she loves sophie, no doubt about it, but the living conditions are....not good." i say honestly. "well is she homeless?" sweet pea asks. "motel." i say. "ooo cool motel living!" fangs says. "yea sure whatever it's cool but the circumstance she's in is not good." i say.

"does she have a job?" jughead asks. "i didn't ask. but if i had to guess i'd say no." i say. "so then how does she make money?" fangs asks. "exactly. i have no fucking clue. she's probably doing something illegal." i sigh. "if she is then damn i tought her well." sweet pea says. "sweet pea what the hell." i say.

"sorry. where does she even live?" he asks. "florida." i say. "so we're going to leave this bar, take a bunch of serpents to florida with us, and buy a bar there?" fangs asks. "now that you say my plan out loud it sounds stupid." i say.

"cheryl it's not stupid. it's actually genius. this could save the serpents. i never wanted to admit it but ever since graduation we've gone downhill big time. moving to florida means we'd get new members and we'd be on new grounds. i'm honestly a little mad i didn't come up with this idea myself." jughead says.

"well you weren't the one who found toni." i say. "true. where would we live though?" sweet pea asks. "i don't know. i guess the motel. and before you say anything if you guys need i'll pay rent for you. as a thank you for everything." i say. "wow ok then." fangs says and sweet pea agrees.

"yea thanks for the offer but i'm not taking your money cheryl. me and betty will figure something out." jughead says. "fine." i say and shrug.

"so operation florida is a go?" fangs asks. "it sure is." jughead says. "let's toast with these tequila shots." sweet pea says. "toast to who?" jughead asks.

"how about toni's daughter. the real reason you all even agreed to listen to me in the first place." i say. "to sophie." jughead says and raises the shot glass.

"to sophie."

A/n: how do you guys think toni is going to react to seeing the serpents again for the first time in 6 years?

how do you think sophie is going to react to meeting all of toni's old friends for the first time?

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