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A/n: a few more happy chapters before the saddest chapter of em all 😔

cheryl's pov

today is finally the day that juniper and dagwood are coming to florida to visit. to say i'm nervous is an understatement. yes i know theyre just kids but they can be....judgey.

don't get me wrong they are very polite but i'm not sure how they are going to get along with sophie. sophie and juniper are complete opposites.

sophie is outgoing and loves to play outside. she doesn't care if she gets dirty or if she messes up her hair. she just likes to have fun. juniper on the other hand is shy and likes to play dress up. i'm pretty sure if she got a stain on her dress she would cry. so yea they are polar opposites.

from what polly told me, the twins are very excited about visiting so i'm also excited to see them. i had to pick them up at the airport so i'm waiting at their gate right now.

"auntie cheryl!" dagwood says as soon as he sees me and launches into my legs. "hey buddy!" i say and give him a hug. juniper also runs over and hugs my legs. "hi beautiful." i say. "hi auntie cher." she says.

"where's your mom and grandma?" i ask. "right there." dagwood says and points. "hey poll. hi alice." i say. "hi cheryl." alice says. "thank you so much for taking the twins for the weekend while me and my mom have a girls weekend here." polly says.

"you're welcome. ive been dying to see them ever since i left." i say. "they've been dying to see you." polly says and i laugh.

"alright guys me and grandma are going now and you have to stay with auntie cheryl. be on your best behavior ok? no fighting and no hitting. be respectful. i mean it." polly says and the twins nod before giving their mom a hug.

"bye mommy." juniper says. "bye sweetie. bye dag." she says. "bye mom." he says and takes my hand. juniper takes my other hand and we walk out of the airport and to my car.

"you guys remember toni right?" i ask. "yea a little bit." dagwood says. "she's your girlfriend." juniper says and i laugh. "yea she is. and you two know she has a daughter right?" i ask. "yup. that's why you moved here." dagwood says.

"correct. you guys wanna meet her?" i ask. "mhm." juniper says. "what's her name?" dagwood asks. "sophie." i say. "cool." dagwood says. "but i need you guys to listen ok this is important." i say and they both nod.

"toni and sophie don't live in a house. they live in a really cool motel. it's different i know but you guys have to promise not to judge." i say. "a motel?" juniper asks. "it's like a hotel but different." i say. "uh ok." she says kind of confused. "just try and have fun. that's all i ask." i say. "ok." dagwood says.

we drive all the way to the motel before we get there and i pick a parking spot. "this place is purple." juniper says and i nod.

"which room is it?" dagwood asks. "312. i'll show you." i say and they follow me up the stairs. "i want to knock." dagwood says. "go ahead." i say and he knocks.

after a moment toni opens the door and smiles. "hey guys." she says. "hi! i remember you." dagwood says excitedly. "you do?" she asks and he nods.

"soph come here." toni says and sophie gets off the bed and stands next to toni. "hi." she says. "hey." dagwood says and waves.

"junie can you say hi?" i ask and look at her hiding behind my leg. "hi." she whispers.

"mom can we play?" sophie asks. "yea of course. you wanna ask moonee too?" toni asks and sophie nods. "come on." sophie says and dagwood follows her to the room next door.

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