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A/n: i had a song I was going to put into this chapter but wattpad is being annoying and won't let me put it in so um that sucks. anyways if you guys wanna listen to the song I was gonna put in this chapter here's the link. you can put it into musi or spotify if you wanna listen to it while reading.

youtube link

the song is called shattered by trading yesterday. if you wanna listen to it great if not that's ok too. without further a do here's the last chapter....

nobody's pov

it was afternoon on a sunny day and normally sophie would be out with her friends to play but today just felt odd to her. she wasn't sure why but she just wanted to stay in bed with her mom and rest.

"are you sure you don't wanna go out and play?" toni asks. "i'm sure." sophie says. toni gets a text from sweet pea that was odd and she never expected.

the text
s: leave as fast as you can. run!

"what the fuck?" toni mumbles. before she even has a chance to think there's rapid knocking at her door and she hesitantly goes up to open it.

there are 2 police officers and 2 social services workers.

"can i help you?" toni asks. "you're under arrest for the illegal active participation in the drugging of matthew willams." one of the cops says and pulls toni out of the doorway to handcuff her.

she's absolutely shocked when she sees sweet pea, betty, jughead, fangs, and halley all out of their rooms and in handcuffs as well.

bobby goes into toni's room without saying a word with both the social service workers to talk to sophie. "what's going on?" sophie asks. "well you know what? we just wanna make sure you're safe ok?" one of the dcf workers says.

"bobby what is she talking about?" sophie asks. "um we're just trying to figure something out." bobby says. "we're gonna go somewhere really fun, and we're gonna have lots of toys." the dcf worker says.

"for how many days?" sophie asks. "it will only be temporary." the worker says. "what's temporary?" soph asks. "temporary means just for a little bit of time. can we do that?" the social services worker asks. "i guess so." sophie says. "ok thank you. you're such a big girl you know that?" the worker says and sophie just shrugs.

meanwhile toni is outside confused as ever. "what do you mean illegal activity?!" she asks. "we have security footage of you drugging this man, stealing his money, and putting him into the back of an uber. not only that but there's also no license or permit for this casino you guys are operating." one of the cops says.

"toni you said we wouldn't get arrested! what the fuck?!" betty screams. "i- i'm sorry." toni says. it's the only thing she can say.

"where's my kid going?" toni asks. "we have a foster family that's able to take her in. they are able to take her for entire course of the investigation and trial." the dcf worker says.

"can i say goodbye to my friend scooty?" sophie asks. "he's down in 223." bobby tells the social worker. "we just have to make sure that's ok." she says. "it's ok for her to say goodbye right?" an officer asks toni and she nods. "i'll take her down." the dcf worker says.

when sophie walks out of the room she is so confused when she sees all of her mom's friends handcuffed and police completely filling the balcony area.

"what's going on?" she asks and looks at her mom for answers. toni has tears in her eyes and feels terrible for her little girl. "mom?! what is going on?!" sophie demands. "just go say bye to scooty. take moonee with you." toni says.

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