the condo, the cop, and the lighter

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A/n: this chapter gets REALLY intense real fast so just a warning. buckle up and enjoy the ride

nobody's pov

today was a typical hot summer day. sophie and her friends went out to play while the adults prepared for their night at the bar/casino.

"hey guys aren't we walking too far?" jancey asks after realizing they've been walking for awhile. "no trust me it's not that far. me and scooty were here the other day." moonee reassures. "if you say so." jancey shrugs.

they walk a bit further before being met with large buildings that were colorful but also empty.

"what even are these?" sophie asks. "old condos." scooty says. "so you guys just found these the other day?" jancey asks. "yup. pretty cool right?" moonee asks. "yea it's awesome." sophie says.

"ow." jancey says which catches the attention of all the kids. "what happened?" scooty asks. "i stepped on something." she says and bends down. "what is this?" she asks and hold up a lighter. "a lighter." sophie tells her. "a what?" moonee asks.

"a lighter. it sets stuff on fire." scooty says. "here i'll show you." sophie says and takes the lighter from jancey. she lights it and it creates a flame at the top. "woah." moonee says. "epic." jancey says.

"come on guys let's go inside! we didn't come here for nothing." moonee says and starts to run inside one of the condos.

the rest of the kids follow her and they enter the empty house. there's nothing but trash and debris all over it. the kids start going wild and having a good time kicking around the trash. they're all running around the whole building all while screaming and giggling.

"hey guys watch this!" moonee says and pushes a couch down the stairs. "woohoo!" scooty says. "yes! crushed it!" jancey says and high fives moonee.

"wait guys be quiet for a second!" sophie shouts and they all go silent. the only thing you can hear is the sound of police sirens in the distance. "shit!" moonee whispers. "go upstairs! go upstairs!" jancey says and they all rush upstairs into one of the rooms.

"oh my god. oh my god. we're going to jail." scooty says. they all rush to look out the window to see the cop car parked in front of the condo. "i don't wanna go to jail." jancey whispers.

"we're not gonna." sophie says and takes out the lighter. the other kids look at her like she's crazy.

"no. sophie absolutely not." jancey whispers screams. "it's either this or prison." soph whispers. "ugh just whatever you do please do it quick." moonee whispers. "don't worry i have a plan. just follow me when i say go." sophie whispers and they all nod.

they hear the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming from downstairs. a minute later the footsteps come upstairs. sophie takes a deep breath and prays the police doesn't search the room they're in first.

with her luck the footsteps go the opposite way and into the room across the hall.

"go." sophie whispers and they all carefully and quietly go downstairs. scooty, moonee, and jancey all run out the door but sophie stays. "sophie lets go!" moonee whisper screams. "i told you i have a plan. go!" sophie says and moonee keeps running all the way outside.

sophie takes the lighter out of her pocket and grabs a pillow that was sitting in the corner of the room. she was stiff for a moment but as soon as she heard the footsteps upstairs start to move again she quickly lit the pillow on fire and threw it in the middle of the room.

the room went up in flames and sophie ran as fast as she could outside.

"guys run! and don't stop running!" sophie screams and they all start running away from the burning building.

the scene behind them was bone chilling as the entire condo started to catch flames and they could hear the slight screaming and panic of the officer. sophie was too numb to even think straight right now. she just kept running and running.

they finally reached the main road near jancey's motel. "we're gonna be in so much trouble!" scooty says. "um jancey you have to go home! don't tell anybody!" moonee says. "ok bye guys!" she says and starts to run towards her motel. "don't tell anyone!" moonee screams again. "i won't!" jancey screams back.

scooty, moonee, and sophie keep running to their motel. they finally make it and start to slow down the running. "scooty don't tell your mom ok?" moonee says. "ok." he says as the walk up the stairs. when they reach the second floor scooty goes to his room and the girls walk up one more floor.

of course toni and halley are outside on the balcony already watching the fire. "moon the old condos are on fire. you wanna go check them out?" halley asks. moonee stays silent. "soph you wanna go see it?" toni asks. "uh i-" she mumbles. "come on let's all go." halley says and her and toni start walking towards the stairs.

moonee and sophie stare at each other before moon speaks up. sophie started panicking and her face turns red.

"sophie whatever you do don't cry. please don't cry. remember when i told you it was ok to cry that one time you fell and scraped your knee? yea erase that from your memory that doesn't work in this situation." moonee says after seeing sophie's eyes start filling with tears. sophie nods and they follow their moms.

"ash you coming?" toni asks ashley whose standing outside her room watching the fire from a distance. "yea lemme ask scooty." she says and opens her rooms' door.

"scooty come on don't you wanna see the burning house?" ashley asks. "no i just wanna stay here and watch tv." he says. to ashley that was an automatic and clear sign something was off.

"hurry up bitch i don't wanna miss this!" halley shouts. "go without me i'll meet you guys there." ashley says and goes into her room before shutting the door behind her.

"look at me. you tell me the truth right now. do you understand what will happen to us if you did this? do you want the fucking DCF down here scooty?!" she asks sternly and he stays silent still having his eyes glued to the tv. ashley sighs and runs her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"you need to tell me the truth right now." she says. "i didn't do it." scooty says. "don't lie to me. please don't lie to me." ashley says and scooty stays silent again.

"this isn't a game scooty. this is not a joke right now. i need to know!" ashley shouts. "i already told you it wasn't me." he says. "i know you told me that. i'm not asking about you anymore i'm asking about the other kids. did they do it?" ashley asks.

"i'm not telling." he says. "scooty what did i say to you? this is not a fucking game! if you don't tell me the truth that's it your not allowed out to play anymore!" ashley shouts. he stays quiet for a minute contemplating with his own thoughts.

"sophie. sophie did it."

A/n: cliffhanger hehe. don't worry i'll update this soon so you guys don't have to wait that long.

were you guys expecting that or are you in shock? 😂

oh also if you haven't already go follow my instagram account i have for my wattpad account. @ chonis.loves !!! it has a lot of content for this book and also for my other books :)

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