the riots

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A/n: i'm so sorry for this chapter 😣

nobody's pov

toni, sophie, halley, and cheryl all waited impatiently in the room not even knowing what was coming for them.

"shit stacey answer the phone." halley says after her call goes to voicemail again. "calm down hal i'm sure she's just in the bathroom or something." toni says. "i hope so but honestly i don't wanna sit around and wait to get a call about my child being caught in a riot." halley says. "i know. just try to stay calm." toni says.

they all heard a knock on the door and toni goes to open it. "omg jughead betty thank god you guys are here." toni says and immediately let's them in before shutting the door. "so what's the situation?" cheryl asks. "we don't know yet. we got here as fast as we could." jughead said.

"am i gonna be ok?" sophie asks and all our eyes go to her. "you're gonna be just fine sweetheart." betty says and sits next to her on the bed.

"were you guys able to get in touch with sweet pea and fangs?" jug asks. "no. they didn't answer." cheryl sighs. "where'd they end up going?" betty asks. "the condos to look to see if they could find the lighter. obviously they're wasting their time because the police have it." toni says.

"where's ashley and scooty? i haven't seen them all day." jughead says. "she bailed on us. in every aspect possible." halley sighs. "what do you mean?" betty asks. "it's a long story and i don't want her to know." toni says eying sophie. jughead and betty nod.

the room goes silent when they all hear distant screaming from outside the room. "stay here. i'll go check it out." jughead says and goes outside.

he comes back in the room with a much more concerned look on his face. "you guys need to check this out." he says and they all immediately follow him outside on the balcony. 

they could see a ton of people screaming and raiding the lobby of the motel. "no! bobby's in there!" sophie says.

"we want the girl!" the mob of people start chanting. at this point everyone whose staying in the motel has come out of their rooms and is confused. it feels like every second a new car is pulling into the parking lot and new people start to join the riot.

"sophie you need to go inside." toni says and she listens. "betty can you stay in the room with her." toni asks and betty nods.

halley's phone rings and she sighs in relief. "it's stacey." she says before answering. while she's on the phone everyone is trying to figure out what the rioters are chanting.

"fucking shit!" halley screams after hanging up the phone. "what?! what happened?" toni asks.

"apparently moonee and jancey haven't been in her room all day. she thought they were with me." halley says. "you're kidding." jughead says. "where are they then?" cheryl asks. "i have no idea." halley says.

"someone please get on the phone with sweet pea and fangs. ring them 100 times if you have to. tell them they have to go look for moonee and jancey." toni says. "i'll do it." jughead says and takes out his phone.

at this point the rioters were getting louder and more distructive. one of them even torched one of the residents' car.

"guys we need to go somewhere else. it is not safe here." cheryl says. "it's not safe for anyone." toni says. "well yea of course not but in case you didn't realize sophie is the one who caused these riots in the first place." cheryl says.

"if there's a sophie topaz in this building someone better step up and tell us what the fuck room she's in! she almost killed one of our men! blood for blood!" one of the rioters screams which just ends in the whole parking lot erupting in cheers.

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