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A/n: ok don't come for me but just pretend that toni was the serpent queen and not betty. no hate against betty i just think toni deserves it more and it made more sense 🤷🏻‍♀️

toni's pov

fangs what the hell are you doing here?! and what the hell are you doing buying drugs?!" i ask. "well what the hell are you doing selling drugs?!" he asks.

well fuck

"say it louder so the whole fucking neighborhood can hear why don't you?" i whisper yell and fangs signs for me to come into his room. "i'm sorry toni." he says after shutting the door. "sorry for what? buying drugs?" i ask.

"the drugs aren't for me." he says. "then who are they for?" i ask. "promise you won't tell anyone." he says and i nod. "we're selling them." he whispers. "first of all fangs i'm literally standing here with heroine in my hands selling it. i would never tell anyone you were doing the same. second of all who the hell is we?" i ask.

fangs looks nervous for a second and stays silent. "fangs?! hello?!" i say. "the serpents." he blurts out. "the serpents? that's why your here? your here with the serpents. how the HELL did the serpents know i was here?" i ask and my tone is increasing rapidly.

"yes the serpents are here but before you get mad trust me they are here in your best interest. they all agreed to move for YOU." he says. "and let me guess that new bar being built is the new whyte worm." i say and roll my eyes. fangs nods slowly. "who told you guys i was here?" i ask.

of course i knew the only person who possibly could've told them was cheryl but i wanted to make sure i was right. "i'm not ratting anyone out." he says. "can you just tell me who told you guys i was here." i say irritated. "ok fine. it was cheryl." he says. "i am going to kill her." i say. "i swear toni you don't have to. she really just wants to help you. we all do." he says.

"that's sweet fangs but i really don't want to be pitied." i say. "ok then pity me. i'm literally in the same situation as you. i was homeless in riverdale after hiram took over the trailer park. and now i'm living in the same motel as you. so are a ton of other serpents including jughead, betty, and sweet pea." he says.

"so you all really moved here just for me?" i ask. "yes of course. the serpents need there queen. we were falling apart without you." he says and i smile sadly.

"so i assume you know why i left riverdale." i question. "if your talking about sophie then yes. i know about her. we all do. and i'd love to meet her sometime." he says. "you'll meet her eventually. especially if your living here. this entire lot is basically her playground." i say.

"sorry if this is weird but can i have a hug? i haven't got a topaz hug in so long." he says and i laugh. "of course. bring it in brother." i say and he embraces me in a hug.

"now i'd like to have a nice little chat with cheryl. do you know where she is?" i ask. "she's helping betty and jughead move in. i'll show you to there room." he says and we both walk out of his room. we walk down the hallway and fangs knocks on a door.

jughead opens the door and he immediately pulls me into a hug. "toni...hey." he says. i'm a little taken off guard but i eventually partake in the hug. "i'm so glad your ok and safe." he says and breaks the hug. "yup i'm fine." i say and step into his room with fangs behind me. "hey toni." betty says. "hi betty." i say. cheryl is sitting on the bed looking at me.

"cheryl don't get me wrong i'm grateful-i guess- but why? why did you do this?" i ask. "because toni i missed you too much. and when i first visited you were not ok. no matter how many times you told me you were fine and you were managing i saw right through you. i know your hurting." she says.

"i told you that because i am managing." i say. "your managing but doing it illegally." she says and stands up. "illegally?! cheryl what?!" i ask. "how did you find fangs?" she asks. "i- wait a second. was i being set up?" i ask getting angry.

"technically yes. it wasn't supposed to be a bad thing. we just wanted to know if you were doing anything illegal so we told fangs to pretend to buy drugs. luckily we were right and now we're here to help." jughead says. "i don't need help. you know what yea i was selling drugs but that's what you have to do when your broke and have a kid. you use your resources. there's only so many options." i say and roll my eyes.

"toni look i'm really sorry that you had to do that just to get by but you don't need to worry anymore. the serpents are here to help you. i'm here to help you." cheryl says.

"you didn't have to tell the entire gang that i was poor and living out of a motel. i'm not a charity project cheryl! this is my life!" i say. "i promise i was just trying to help." cheryl says. "still...this wasn't your story to tell." i say disappointed.

she stays quiet for a moment before speaking up. "i'm really sorry for coming here with veronica without telling you and then barging in on your life. it wasn't right of me and i should've respected your wishes of keeping your life private. i'm sorry i really am. but can you at least try to let us help? please." cheryl begs. "ok." i say. cheryl smiles and runs over to give me a hug.

"so can you tell us anything about this place?" betty asks. "well majority of the people who live here are trying to raise a family. there's always kids running around. at 9 pm every night you can watch the disney fireworks from just outside your room. bobby is annoying as shit when it comes to rent. don't use the elevator, it smells like pee. the pool is nice but mostly at night. and tourists come here lot but you can just ignore them and they won't bother you." i say.

"wow ok." jughead says. "once you get used to it though it's not too bad." i say.

"where's sophie?" cheryl asks. "she's in our room watching tv with a friend." i say. "can we meet her?" jughead asks. "um maybe another time. it's late." i say. "oh ok." jughead says sounding disappointed.

"hey toni we won't bother you for like another week or because we know this is a lot to take in but next weekend is when the new whyte worm is scheduled to reopen. we're having a huge opening night party and it would mean a lot to us and the rest of the serpents if there queen was there." betty says. "

i don't have anyone to watch sophie." i say. "she can come." fangs says. "she can?" i ask knowing it's literally a bar. "yea of course. her friends can come too. invite anyone you want." cheryl says. "ok i'll be there." i say and smile. "great. we'll see you then." jughead says and i nod while leaving the room.

i shut the door and go back to my own room. i put my key in and open the door. both jancey and sophie were sleeping. i was going to take jancey back to her own motel but it was really late and i wasn't in the mood for a walk, especially if i was going to be carrying a sleeping 6 year old.

i just call jancey's grandma and tell her the situation. she completely understands and allows jancey to spend the night. i hang up the phone and put it on the bed. for all three of us sleeping in the same bed it was a little tight but we made it work. as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out.

A/n: which adult do u think will end up being sophie's favorite?

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