There you are Jeremy~

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Jeremy's Pov
"What's wrong Jeremy? Spot a chick?"

Shit. My face is red. I shouldn't be blushing, he's just changed so much.

A shock flows through my body, making me wince.

You shouldn't be thinking about him, Jeremy.


We will talk about your punishment later, remember, Michael no longer exists.

"Yeah guys, I'm good, I was just thinking-"

"-about of one of your late-night hookups? Damn Heere, I wish I was you." Says one of my new "friends", Cade I think?

His name is Kurt, Jeremy. Respond by addressing your date with Regina.

"I was just thinking about Regina, we didn't get to fuck, but if we did, neither of us would get any sleep." I say, giving Kurt a high five.

"Okay class, find your seats!" A teacher yells from across the room.

Walking to the back of the class, I find my seat promptly.

I make my way to the back of the class, looking at the desks along the way. I finally stop at two desks paired together, at the back corner of the class.

I set my stuff down and look around. My desk partner hasn't sat down yet.

Looking over at the desk beside me, recognizing the name displayed on the place tag immediately.

Oh no.


There was only a 5% chance of this happening, Jeremy, don't freak out. Stay calm.

Too late.

"Hi, I'm-"

"...I know who you are Michael."

Michael's Pov
What should I do?

Don't panic Michael. Remember, Jeremy still has no desire to be with you, you should be fine. This may just be only temporary.

"Students! I hope you like your seats, since you'll be in them for the whole semester!"

I spoke too soon.

"Now class, my name is Mrs. Sawyer. My daughter, Veronica, goes here. We're gonna go a little old-school and play some icebreaker games!"

The class, dull and tired, stared confusingly at the teacher's exhilaration.

Michael, pay attention. In this situation, there are two ways things could go, and it's usually up to the classes "top dog", or popular student that speaks out the most. They could either take it well, and all agree with your kind teacher, or they could laugh it off.


You should say-

"This teacher is absolutely insane."Jeremy murmurs, earning a few laughs from the class.

He beat us to it.

If Mrs. Sawyer heard this comment, she didn't show it, immediately moving on to role call.

Jeremy's fast. His squip told him exactly what he needed to do for optimal reactions from the class, loud enough for his classmates to hear, but quiet enough to not give himself a bad rep with the teacher.

My squip goes on, impressed by Jeremy's actions, while I try and focus on the remainder of class.

"Michael Mell?"

Respond with "Hey". It's better than "Here", it makes you seem relaxed and confident.


Jeremy looks over at me, a confused express covering his face. Probably because I usually say "present", you know, like a nerd. I ignore his glance and focus back on the teacher.


Home room, second, third, and fourth block go smoothly. Every class is just like the other. I begin cracking a few jokes to make the class laugh.

I only feel bad for goofing off in Mrs. Sawyer's class though. She actually seemed cool for a teacher.

Michael, if we keep going at this rate, by the end of the day, your popularity will be boosted by 8.9%!


You should make sure to sit with Jenna at lunch, she hangs out with a good crowd, one that's good for your image anyway.


Remember, lunch is where everything really counts. Since "recess" seems like a fever dream from everyone's glory days, lunch is the best chance you'll have at gaining new allies.

In the cafeteria, I go through the lunch line. During this process I find a few people from my previous blocks.

"Hey! Michael, right? You were hilarious in class. I'm Conner." A guy with long, brown hair comes up to me. He has a few friends following behind him.

"Thanks." I talk with the small group of people. They were actually really cool.

After grabbing my lunch, I head over to the table Jenna's at. Once she sees me, her eyes seem to light up.

Jenna sits at a table full of popular people, you know, "mean girls" and their boyfriends. There's a good chance that Jeremy-

-might sit here too. Oh look, so does Jake.

I calculated a potential future where you guys had the same lunch period, not good.

"Guys, this is Michael." I get a few heys, and join in their conversation. Jeremy looks right at me, but chooses to, ignore me. Again.

Well, two can play it that game.

"Jere, you seem quiet." Someone says, causing Jeremy to look up from his lap.

"Yeah, I'm fine man, I just, um, I have to go." He says, taking his tray and leaving the table.

"What's up with him?" says Jake, making the table laugh.

I can't help but worry for him.

No time for that, Michael. There are more important things to worry about.

I guess you're right.

Hey guys! I know I promised some RichJake, and I swear, it's coming!

Bye bye now!

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