Day one:

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I grabbed my suitcase and walked out of my bedroom,

"are you sure I cant stay with will" I begged my mum one last time

"Skyla! You are staying at the Irwins and that's final, whatever issue you have with Ashton will need to be resolved or pushed aside for the next few weeks" she scowled.

Pushed aside, please I've been trying to push Ashton out of my mind for the past 2 years. Me and Ashton went to a summer camp, I was 15, he was 16 and as cliché as this sound, we had a summer fling. As soon as we got back home though he treated me like I didn't exist, still to this day, may I remind you 2 years later, he still hasn't replied to one of my text messages or phone calls.

On top of all that he became a total douche bag, especially at school. My stomach lurched at the thought of confused 15 year old me running up to Ashton in the school yard only to be tripped over by the douche and have the whole school laughing in my face.

I breathed in calming myself, "only one more year and I'm out of that school and out of this town".

"Skyla darling" Anne-Marie screeched opening the front door, her hair hung neatly below her ears, a wide smile spread across her face

"Hi Anne" I replied using the nickname she told me to use a few years back

"Come in come in, Harry and Lauren are at a school function but ash is in the lounge room" She said ushering me into the house.

I've been to the Irwins many times despite my relationship with Ashton, our mums are good friends, very good friends and so we naturally do a lot together.

"ASHTON!" Anne called

"What" he growled walking into the hallway, his hair flopped over to one side like he had just been lying down, his ripped nirvana shirt and black trackies hung loosely off his body. His eyes travelled around the room before landing on me where he let out a groan "why is she here".

My body filled up with frustration just hearing his voice.

"She's staying with us for the next few weeks, so stop being so rude and show her to the guest room" Anne offered

"I'm fine going there by myself he doesn't have to show me there" I replied sweetly causing Ashton to roll his eyes which earned a glare from me

"Don't be silly he doesn't mind" Anne-Marie laughed

"yes I do" Ashton scoffed turning around and walking back into the lounge room.

"I'm sorry about him" Anne apologised placing a hand on my arm "the guest rooms just down there, I have to get back to the kitchen but don't be afraid to ask for anything" she smiled walking into the kitchen leaving me alone.

I picked up my suitcase awkwardly walking down the hall where I found the guest room. It was nothing special despite the fact it had an ensuite, just a bed, desk, cupboard and a bookshelf with a basket filled with cds on it.

I put my suitcase on the bed and went up to the basket observing the cds, I must admit who ever owns these has excellent taste in music. I started looking through them pulling a few out and leaving others in their original space.

"don't touch them" I heard the familiar voice say causing me to jump and drop the cd that was in my hands. "Oh great look you dropped it" Ashton spoke walking into the room and picking the green day cd up.

"I wouldn't of dropped it if you didn't scare me" I scoffed taking the cd off him and putting it back in its original spot.

"Look, just don't touch them okay, if you break them-"

"Which I wont" I cut him off rolling my eyes. Ashton let out an annoyed groan, he tilted his head back letting some veins show, he sure was annoying but he sure was attractive.

"Just stay away from my stuff okay"

"Okay" I groaned angrily getting annoyed he was still in my presence

"And while you're at it, stay away from me the next few weeks, I don't need the whole school thinking we're friends" he angrily spoke

"Please" I said rolling my eyes "there's nothing I would hate more then being friends with a douche like you".

At that Ashton groaned angrily walking out of the room and taking the basket of cds with him.

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