Day four:

86 2 0

I quietly pattered around the Irwins, my headphones lazily placed in my ears and my hands clinging tightly around my phone and blanket. My body shivered each time my foot came into contact with the cold floor.

I slowly opened the back door stepping outside, the cold air, freezing yet refreshing. I wondered around the Irwins patio successfully finding a plastic chair and planting on it wrapping the blanket around my body.

Sitting outside at 1 am is something I do often, it's almost surreal, sitting in the world but not having any disruptions or problems, just being surrounded by music and stars.

Today will be, well I guess is, my 4th day at the Irwins and there have already been way to many interactions with the ass hole that is Ashton Irwin for my liking. It's funny to think I used to like him, and I was pretty certain he liked me.

"Hi I'm Ashton" the curly haired boy said as I took his plate from him

"Skyla" I replied smiling "cutlery?" , the boy, I mean Ashton, passed me his cutlery laughing

"what?" I asked suddenly very self conscious

"you just seem so disinterested"

"well im sorry dish duty doesn't interest me" I laughed rolling my eyes

"and what did a pretty innocent looking girl like you get up to, to land you a place in dish duty", the faint memory I had of last night came back into my mind, a small giggle escaping my lips

"I'm not going to tell you just like that" I smirked hoping this would be a subtle hint I wanted to talk to him again, when I wasn't on dish duty

"ahh well I guess ill just have to get it out of you some other time" he smiled obviously understanding my hint

"you can try" I joked

"camp fire tonight, ill defiantly get it out of you." He smiled before walking away,

A cold gush of air broke me out of my flash back, bringing me to the realisation of how uncomfortable I was. I shifted my position before staring back up into the sky, my throat itched a familiar sensation, I needed alcohol. I pulled out my phone

Will I need alcohol, do you happen to have any you can spare?

Within seconds I got a reply from my brother

Skyla, as much as I want to help you and stuff, drowning your sorrows in liquor isn't going to do anything, trust me I know.

I scoffed at his message, something obviously has gotten into him since our talk yesterday, it was probably just his fight with Kylie, but I guess he has a point, it is bad for me, I know that, but it just makes everything so much easier to deal with.

"So are you ever going to tell me what innocent little skyla did?" Ashton teased

"All I'm going to tell you, is 'innocent little skyla' isn't so innocent." I smirked back at him

"I guess that's all I need to know for now" he said barely above a whisper.

My phone buzzed in my hand, another message from Will.

But if you're really desperate, ill give put your fake ID in our mailbox later today, I want it back in a few days though.

A smile stretched across my mouth

You are honestly the best, but why do you want it back? I'm 18 in a few months you may as well let me keep it.

Seconds later I got a reply

Sorry skyla, you know what the deal was, I have to go back to studying, go to bed young one.

I sighed locking my phone. Will managed to get me a fake ID earlier this year when he was looking over me, but he kept it with him except for the few rare occasions he would let me use it. I understand why he wants to keep it, I mean I'm not very good at dealing with things, I usually keep everything bottled up until I hit my breaking point, which often includes a lot of crying and alcohol and imagine how dangerous it would get if I had a fake ID.

I didn't drink often, only when I really needed it, and its nights like these, where I reflect on my life, mainly on summer camp 2 years ago that I really really crave it. My iphone shuffled making me sigh, I guess music will just have to be my alcohol tonight.

"I can't believe I didn't realise we went to the same school" Ashton said sitting down on the log next to me

"well I'm not the most popular person so it's not like you would notice me" I laughed taking the hot chocolate he went and got for me off him.

"hey don't think like that" He sighed taking a sip of my hot chocolate causing me to gasp

"Last time I checked Irwin, that was my hot chocolate"

"Well last time I checked Skyla, I was the one who went and got it for you" he smirked.

My phone shuffled again, 21 guns by Greenday came on. I shifted, once again, in the plastic chair. My eyelids were heavy so I let them shut.

"Trust me" I sighed sitting down in Ashtons cabin,

"Alright, but if I don't like it, we're changing it" he warned

"Okay okay, just no top 40's" I was about to introduce Ashton to real music, you know the good stuff.

My fingers scrolled down my ipod screen until I found the perfect one

"you should like this," I whispered pressing play on Weightless by All Time Low.

We were only 30 seconds into the song, when Ashton broke out into a fit of giggles and pressed pause on the Ipod

"what why?" I groaned

"do you really listen to that?" he laughed uncontrollably

"yes!" I laughed back "I'm guessing you don't like it"

"I'm sorry, but I really don't" he laughed even harder.

"Fine fine, what about this one?" I sighed putting on Greenday 21 Guns.

We got a bit further this time, a full 1 minute into the song, but small giggles were escaping Ashtons mouth and his cheeks were bright red

"you don't like this one either do you?" I sighed shaking my head.

"I'm- I'm sorry" he laughed "I tried to but, the music just isn't me."

Another cold gush woke me up from my flash back, if the music just wasn't him, why does he own a greenday cd now?

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