Day seven:

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Day 7

If I said I wasn't looking forward for today, I'd be lying. Today marked day 7 at my stay at the Irwins which meant I had successfully survived one week. Why was I so excited though? well I decided that today I would reward myself and sneak out.

By sneak out I don't mean sneak out and sit lonesome in a park pondering the experience that had been the past week, no, by sneak out I mean get myself looking hot as ever, jump out a window, go to club 85 (the best club in town), get totally wasted off my mind and some how get back home before Anne-Marie wakes up.

I had already done 2/4 of my to do list for tonight, I was back at my house, make-up done, hair done, looking for a dress to wear because there was no way I was going to be bringing one of my 'to use only when lying about age' outfits over to the Irwins just in case someone found it.

A few minutes later I was dressed and ready, I snuck down the hallway even though there was no one I was sneaking from, force of habit I guess, and out the front door. An excited walk later and I was standing outside club 85 in a line.

I waltzed up to the security guard giving him my fake ID, I had done this before, I knew what I was doing. The guard let me in with ease, I flashed him a quick smile before walking into the club.

The music immediately drew my body in, the flashing lights and body heat made me feel more and more welcomed by the second, it was like the club was calling my name.

No seriously I could hear something calling my name

"SKYLA" someone yelled, I turned around only to be face to face with Ashtons friend, the one with the green hair

"Oh if it isn't green haired dude who thinks I have the funniest comebacks ever" I smirked taking the drink out of his hand and having a small sip

"Michael" he smiled taking the drink back. "So Ashton did bring someone" He laughed

"What?" I panicked

"Ashton said he didn't bring anyone but we knew he did" he smirked looking around "you right?" he asked looking down on my shocked face

"Ashtons here, like in this exact club" I stuttered trying to stay calm

"yeah, right over" he scanned the crowd of people trying to find him "There" he beamed with pride pointing to only a few metres in front.

Ashtons hair was tied back in a bandana, his grey shirt hung loosely on his body, he had tied a red flannelette around his waist and was bopping up and down to the music. He looked good, really really good, and as much as I would love to go over there and make him mine for the night I couldn't, 1)Because he was a douche and doesn't deserve my attention and 2) he can't know I'm here because if he knows he'll know about my fake ID and that I snuck out and I'm 700098% certain he would use it against me.

"Look, I feel like we're good enough friends now for me to trust you with a major task" I lied looking Michael dead in the eye

"I didn't even consider us friends, more mutuals but whatever"

"look just shut up and make sure he doesn't find out I'm here" I snapped pointing to Ashton.

"Why?" Michael questioned looking between Ashton and I

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that you do what I asked" I said raising my eyebrows

"Do I get anything out of it?" he smirked, I rolled my eyes back before pulling out a 20 dollar bill, Michael shrugged and took the bill off me

"deal" he smiled as he put it in his pocket "but its going to be hard, I mean you do look really good and if Ashton does lay eyes on you his going to be even more attracted to you an-"

"enough, I've heard enough okay just make sure he doesn't know I'm here, now I need alcohol" I cut Michael off and it was rude, yes, but I needed alcohol desperately and I was willing to take down anything in my way.

I hurried off towards the bar before Michael could say anything else, I sat down on one of the stools and watched as Michael walked up to Ashton strategically turning so Astons back was towards me. I let out a sigh and signalled for the bar tender.

"Skyla haven't seen you here in a while, usual?" The bar tender, who I now recognised as Dan asked walking over to me.

"I bet you missed me, and yes please" I smirked, Dan was my brothers best friend he has worked here ever since he was 18 and I'm pretty sure he's how I got my fake ID.

"So are you out looking for a good time or is Ashton driving you crazy" He questioned handing over the beautiful cup of alcohol I had been craving. I snatched it out of his hands and drunk it whole, letting the sting in my throat calm me and make me sway to the music on my stool.

"How do you know about Ashton" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Talked to your brother the other night, he told me to keep an eye out for you if you come here" He stated coolly passing me another glass

"just keep them going okay" I said motioning to the alcohol

"there's a limit for minors like you" he smirked

"technically im not 'Skyla the 17 year old' here im 'Maia the 19 year old' so I'm not a minor"

"well in my mind you are, and I'm the bar tender so we go by my rules."

"What ever" I grumbled taking the glass of alcohol he just handed me and walking to the dance floor

"Hey you never answered my question!" he called from behind the counter

"Let me go dance and then I will" I laughed, already feeling the affect of the alcohol. The limit for girls and women was meant to be 2 drinks in the first hour, and 1 every hour after that. I had already skulled one and was close to finishing my second and deary me I was no where near alcohol filled as I wanted to be.

I squished my way to the centre of the club, I like to be in the middle, I personally feel more alive. There were hot bodies rubbing up against me and lights hitting me every few seconds. My drink was empty now and the glass had been taken away by, well, who knows.

I laughed to myself as the songs went on occasionally going to the bar and getting a drink to let things slip my mind, but one thing that most defiantly didn't slip was keeping an eye out for the green head of hair, because where ever he was, Ashton was, and that was danger zone for me tonight.

I pulled myself away from the incredibly attractive guy and 'walked' to the bar "Dannnn another one" I slurred pointing to the vodka bottle

"sorry skyla but im legally not aloud to give you any more, in fact im legally not aloud to give you any" he laughed

"But I really want onne" I whined stomping my foot like a baby

"you're just going to have to get someone else to buy you one then" he laughed going and serving another person, I scanned the club floor looking for someone I could use to buy me a drink, just as I was about to walk up to my victim I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and my heart sunk

"Heard you wanted another drink" Ashton smirked handing me a glass of vodka

"thanks" I mumbled not leaving his eye site

"No problem Sky " he winked using my nickname from summer camp walking away back into the crowd of people leaving my shocked.

Next time I see Michael I'm getting my 20 bucks back, and with that I skulled the drink Ashton just bought me.

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