Day 18

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"Ashton!" I screeched as he stopped way to near the lake for comfort

"sorry I was lost in thought" He gasped,

"yeah well next time focus on the driving sweetie"

"sweetie?" Calum laughed cocking an eyebrow in my direction while walking up to the now parked car.

"oh shut up" I mumbled lightly slapping him across the arm.

"Hey skyla did you bring swimmers this time" Luke laughed as we approached the make shift 'lounge room' of our little area.

Yesterday we decided we weren't done with the lake, so for the next 3 days we're going to be ruffing it up, camping. I refused to go at first because I didn't want to intrude on a guys trip but after a lot of convincing from the guys I couldn't resist.

So here I am, with 4 idiots, 3 pairs of swimmers, 5 sleeping bags and a whole heap of excitement. How cheesy skyla.

"Earth to skyla" Ashton laughed snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah I brought swimmers" I cheered going and sitting down on one of the camp chairs Luke had brought.

Calum and Ashton shortly followed going and occupying the last 2 seats.

"Are you wearing your swimmers now?" Michael asked a slight laugh escaping his mouth making me more then cautious about what was about to happen.

"Yes, they're under my clothes" I said carefully.

"So you wouldn't mind going for a swim like right this second." Calum joined in

"If you throw me into the lake again I promise you I will not be afraid to get revenge."

"I think we can handle that" Luke laughed before Ashton, yet again, ran towards me picking me up and swiftly throwing me into the lake.

The similar sensation of cold and excitement, tinted with anger, flowed through my body.

"You're dead Irwin" I laughed when I hit the surface. Quickly running out of the water and onto the bank.

"GET THE GUNS!" Ashton called as I approached where the boys were sitting.

"You're all dead to me" I laughed getting closer.

When I was near metres away the 4 boys suddenly pulled out water guns and started squirting me, causing me to yelp.

"STOP IT" I laughed moving my body in awkward positions to try and avoid the 4 streams of cold water being shot at me.

"We wont stop until victory is ours" Ashton laughed continuing to squirt water

"Or until the water guns run out of water" Luke chuckled from behind me.

And that's when I noticed a small nerf gun sitting on Michael chair. I may be your ordinary girl. but with a nerf gun in my hand I become a freaking ninja.

I ran forward trying, grabbing the nerf gun and instantly aiming at the boys.

I know there's no way I could win by just shooting nerf bullets at them. I had to be strategic.

I pretended like I was starting to get tired, the boys all falling for it, thinking they've won laughed and put their empty water guns down.

"We just wanted to give you a taste of what camp would be like with us, don't take it to heart" Calum chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry if you didn't find it amusing we'll know for next time" Ashton said, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Its fine" I smirked raising my nerf gun "Luckily I still have 4 bullets" I laughed before precisely aiming each bullet to hit the boys. "I win" I sung.

I skipped over to Ashtons car, I could feel the boys stare burning into my back causing me to laugh. "Don't take it too heart guys, I just wanted to show you what camping with me is going to be like" I said smugly turning back around and opening the car door so I could change out of my wet clothes.

"You know" luke said coming and sitting down next to me "you really need to teach me how to aim so well with a nerf gun sometime soon" he chuckled, handing me a cup with tea.

"Only years of living with an older brother will teach you such skills." I cautiously brought the cup to my lips, taking a small sip. "Wow, this actually tastes alright, who made it?"

"It's just a tea bag and boiled water, but I take all the credit" Luke laughed relaxing into his position.

We were sitting around a camp fire listening to typical camping songs, at the moment sweet home alabama was filling the comfortable silence. Ashton was some where with Calum and Michael, Luke and I were all sitting around relaxing.

We had an amazing day spending all the time in the lake and occasionally having nerf gun wars. I won. Obviously.

"So" Michael hummed coming and joining us "tell us the latest drama"

"Latest drama?"

"With you and Ashton" he smirked,

"Um there is no drama?" I laughed

"Oh come on! Calum told us you have the hots for him" Luke pressed, making a mixture of nerves and 'betrayal' fill my body.

"So I have the hots for him? half of Sydney probably does" I chuckled, Luke and Michael nodding in agreement.

"You sure you just have the hots for him?, I mean you do stare at him when he takes his shirt off, or blush when he does anything remotely involving you" Michael questioned, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Guys seriously" I sighed "Ashton put me through a lot 2 years ago, and I'm really still finding it strange that we have become friends again so quickly. I don't have feelings for Ashton and I doubt I will for a while. A lot has happened these past few weeks and I need time to process it all before anything else starts to happen."

"Understandable" Luke and Michael both said.

"So tell me the latest drama in your life then, any girls?" I asked curiously

"Nope" Luke popped, I gazed over to Michael who was deep in thought.

"oh my god" I hummed "Michael Clifford has a girl"

"What, no" he laughed

"Oh my god he does" Luke said leaning closer to his friend.

"I mean, like I've been talking to a girl, but we talk to girls all the time so it isn't a big deal"

"Sure" I hummed

"It isn't anything!" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"HA YOU DO!" I screeched jumping up "You scratched your neck! the signal of nerves in guy world!"

"Dammit" he mumbled under his breath

"What's her name"

"Who's name?" Calum asked re-appearing with Ashton by his side"

"Michaels girl, where were you guys?" Luke asked curiously

"Getting fire wood for this weak ass fire" Ashton mumbled earning a groan of defence from Michael, "any who Michael has a girl?" He questioned wriggling his eyebrow.

"I'm going to kill you skyla" He said shooting me a playfull glare.

"Don't worry Skyla, ill protect you from him" Ashton joked sending me a very over exaggerated wink making Calum, Luke and Michael burst out laughing, and make me go bright red.

Maybe I shouldn't have come on this trip

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