Day 20

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"Shh" He giggled as we walked further away from the group.

"Sorry" I laughed tripping over a stick and landing on the ground causing Ashton to burst out laughing. You could say we were slightly tipsy.

"Do you need help"

"yes please" I laughed. He bent down grabbing my hand in his and yanking me up. "Are you sure there's a beach around here"

"Positive, it's a little secret spot of mine" he assured walking forward.

Although it was well into the night and we were tipsy, his words sent a shock wave of shivers around my body, he's taking me to another one of his secret places?.

"Here we are" He cheered leading me over a small rock and onto some sand

"Woah its pretty"

"No shit".

I walked back, sitting down on a small rug Ashton pulled out from behind a bush.

"So how many rugs do you have hidden in the world" I laughed

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Ashton you idiot, its, that's for me to know and for you to never find out." I said smugly

"Oh I know that, except I want you to find out where they are, I want to enjoy all the beauties of this town with you".

"Okay okay" I slurred taking a sip of the wine bottle Ashton had brought along with us. "On a scale of 1 to 10 how drunk are we right now"

"17" he laughed rolling onto his back.

Sighing I rolled over onto mine as well,

"sO tell me miss Skyla" He slurred "do you have your eye on anyone."

My heart started racing, stop it skyla, you just have the hots for him.

"nope" I said popping the p

"Really because you and Luke seem awfully tight" he hissed taking me by surprise before making me burst out laughing.

"Luke! No way!" I laughed scrunching up my nose

"Oh" he simply replied before laughing with me.

"What about you Mr Irwin" I mimicked

"I mean"

"you mean?"

"I don't know, I mean I want too, but I'm scared" he chuckled quietly to himself

"Ashton, you have nothing to worry about, if you truly care about someone you won't hurt them, this whole commitment thing is a little whimpy" I laughed

"Wow you're an honest drunk aren't you" he laughed back, before staring up at the sky for a while. "Yeah then I guess I do".


"Yeah I mean, why not, what's the point of denying my feelings for someone" he said proudly.

"Good on you" I cheered, before rolling onto my side.

"Are you tired" he asked

"A little"

"I didn't bring any blankets are you going to get cold if we fall asleep here?" his was oozed concern.

"I'll be fine Ashton stop being such a worrier" I laughed closing my eyes.

I wish I could say we woke up slowly and Ashtons arm was wrapped around my waist, but sadly I can't. You see if you're camping with 4 teenage boys who hold grudges over nerf wars you don't get too experience those magic moments.

I rolled over to my side, a cold gush of wind and giggles filled my senses. Ignoring them I closed my eyes tighter trying to fall back asleep.

"3 2 1" I heard Calum scream "NOW" and then a massive bucket of cold water came splashing down on my body.

"WHAT THE HELL" I screeched loudly jumping up. The boys were all in hysterics, including Ashton. "HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND US"

"Ashton came back and told us his plan" Michael chirped

"oh so this was all a plan to get back at me for whooping your ass in nerf war" I smirked

"Yep" Ashton said popping the p, "you still owe me one thing though, for offending the rope swing"

I rolled my eyes before walking off towards the beach.

"Where are you going?" Ashton called

"Well I'm already wet so I may aswell enjoy the beach"

"I like this girl, keep onto her" Michael said to Ashton, I'm guessing he didn't realise I could hear him.

"I don't plan on letting her slip away again." Ashton replied.

Butterflies were now rushing around my body at an extremely fast rate. I took a deep breath before running into the waves.

I walked away from the camp fire pulling out my phone. After a few rings mum picked up

"Skyla darling right now's not a good time"

"It'll be quick" I urged sitting down on a rock

"Fine" She huffed

"What time are you coming home tomorrow? Do you need me to pick you up from the airport?"

"Oh" Was the only reply I got


"I'm not coming home tomorrow"


"The confere-"

"Mum you said 3 weeks! Tomorrow is 3 weeks!"

"What are you not enjoying your stay at the Irwins?"

"That's not the point mum! I'm having a great time but I want to spend time with you, I hardly ever do, the school term starts in 2 weeks and I've seen you for like one day this whole holidays" I huffed pulling Ashtons sweater down to cover my hands. He let me borrow it because I didn't pack any and it was getting cold.

"Skyla I'm sorry, I can't risk losing my job you know that"

"Whatever, when we'll you be back then?"

"In a week, the conference was extended one week" She sighed as if disappointed she would be leaving.

"Does Anne-Marie know this?"

"Yes" she sighed some what infuriated with talking to me

"Whatever, ill see you then" I mumbled hanging up.

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