Day six:

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Day 6

My hands reached out, ready to grab the most amazing grilled cheese known to man kind, I'm not gonna lie, I did spend the last 15 minutes of my very exciting life hint the sarcasm to make this grilled cheese the best it could be.

My eyes closed as I bit into the grilled cheese but I was quickly disturbed as someone hurried into the kitchen, I opened my eyes to be met by a very rushed Anne-Marie.

"Skyla im so sorry to bother you but would you mind doing a favour for me, you see I thought Harry was getting picked up by his friends mum to go to soccer but apparently not any more, and now lauren wants to go out to the movies with her friends, and I have a business meeting in 15 minutes" she puffed

"Anne I'm happy to help with anything don't worry" I smiled,

"Thank you so much" she breathed out as if the entire weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders

"What would you like me to do" I asked taking quick glances at the beautiful grilled cheese sandwich in my hands

"could you possibly do the grocery shopping for me, this is the list oh! and Ill get Ashton to go with you to give you an extra hand" she said hurried

"No no its fine, I'm fine doing it by myself" I smiled trying to get out of spending my day with Ashton, but Anne-marie had already made up her mind and was yelling at Ashton to come to the kitchen

"What" he growled walking into the kitchen

"you're going grocery shopping with Skyla while I run your siblings around town" Anne urged

"Why does she need my help, I'm sure she's perfectly capable to go by herself." He argued rolling his eyes

"Skyla darling, can you drive?" Anne asked

"No" I said sheeply, I had failed my tests around 4 times

"And are you able to carry like a hundred shopping bags all the way home from the grocery shop"

"probably not, no"

"Exactly why you need Ashton to come with you" She smiled widely, earning a small groan from both Ashton and I.

"HARRY AND LAUREN HURRY UP WE'RE LEAVING" Anne yelled whilst rushing me and Ashton out of the front door and into Ashtons car "this is the list, only buy what's on it" she warned before closing the door.

I jumped but still wasn't able to grab hold of the variety pack of chips, the struggle of being short is real. I turned around to see Ashton lagging behind me mumbling and grumbling "Look" I snapped turning to face him "I don't want to be here either okay, I have a perfectly good grilled cheese I could be eating right now but instead I'm here with you, so can you at least help out a little."

With that Ashton walked forward and reached up grabbing the packet with ease and dropping it into the trolling with out a word. I sighed loudly pushing the trolley closely behind Ashton.

We had only gotten 2 items on the list, variety chip packet and green tea, and I had already snapped at Ashton, today was going to be a long day. I kept pushing the trolley and looking up and down the shelves for the items and occasionally glancing at Ashton who looked unnecessarily good today, screw that he looked good every day.

The way his hair would flop all over his face and how he would try and hold it back with a bandana, or how his shirts hung so low that you could see his whole stomach and the way he slouched as he walked, and how his face would light up at the sound of his siblings. Such a shame he was a douche bag.

We continued walking down the aisle occasionally putting things into the trolley when Ashton suddenly stopped

"Ashton seriously vodka isn't on the list keep moving" I sighed

"I know its not on the list" he rolled his eyes

"then why are you staring at it, can we please just hurry up and get out of here" I groaned annoyed

"you don't even remember do you" he whispered


"Summer camp" he whispered again, and now I was angry, really angry,

"did you really just accuse me of not remembering summer camp" I whisper yelled, his eyes left the vodka and met mine for the first time this whole day, they didn't have their usual smart ass glow in them, instead they had a pity and confused look which made me all the more angry

"just forget it okay" He mumbled

"like you did!" I yelled pushing the trolley past him and down the next aisle.

I sat in his car, as he pulled up the drive way.

"I didn't forget summer camp" Ashton said sternly as if to assure me he didn't which made a mixture of anger and butterflies over take my body

"you acted like you did" I sighed looking out the window

"acted" he sighed causing me to roll my eyes

"then why were you so rude to me after it Ashton," small tears built in my eyes, no skyla, you're not getting emotional right now,

"I was afraid." He whispered, but I heard.

"Afraid, wow Ashton, I know I'm not the most popular or whatever but I really didn't know you were so 'afraid' of losing your reputation, that's pathetic" I angrily growled getting out of the car.

"That not what I was afraid of" He said hesitantly

"Sure it isn't" I said rolling my eyes and slamming the car door.

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