Day ten

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"No way" Lauren laughed

"Yes way" I laughed back, Anne had gone out for the night and left me and Ashton in charge of Harry and Lauren, Ashton was sorting Harry out and me and Lauren were having a d&m in her room.

"So he just sneezed all over your food" she said titling her head back with laugher

"Yes! and not to mention he got it all over my white dress" I groaned still laughing

"That's a horrible first date" she exclaimed moving under the sheets of her bed

"Terrible" I sighed "That's why you need to make sure that who ever this guy is asking you out on a date has 1. Manners and 2. A normal nose which knows not to sneeze all over their dates food"

"Yeah, he's a really nice guy and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited" She semi squealed laying her head on the pillow

"Excited for what?" Ashton said from the door way, I turned around to face him, his hair was messy and his clothes were ragged. His arms were folded into his chest and he had his stupid signature smirk.

"Um I got asked on a date" Lauren mumbled

"A date?" Ashton said worried


"No, you're not going" Ashton sighed walking in and sitting on the bed next to me

"Why not" Lauren whined

"Because I don't want you getting hurt by some stupid 16 year old" Ashton said wearily

" But Ashton I'm sure you can tell her all the signs a guy would send if he is going to use her then ignore her right?" I said annoyed rolling my eyes and walking out the room "Sleep tight Lauren"

"Night Skyla" She chirped back.

I was sitting at the dining room table angrily shoving coco pops into my mouth

"I don't get you" Ashton sighed annoyed walking into the dining room and sitting opposite from me, I simply rolled my eyes and showed another spoonful of coco pops into my mouth

"If you're going to lecture me about eating coco pops are 11 pm you can leave now, in fact you can just leave now" I annoyingly cooed eating more of my coco pops

"In case you forgot sweet heart you're in my house" Ashton chuckled leaning across the table so we were inches apart

"And in case you forgot 'sweet heart' you're in my personal space" I sarcastically mocked pushing him away from me

Ashton sighed rubbing the back of his neck "you just send me so many signals and then you shut me down"

"Excuse me" I snapped sitting up

"Don't even try to tell me you weren't checking me out before in Laurens room" He smirked cockily sitting back into the chair

"What ever" I rolled my eyes slouching down into my seat

"So you were" He practically asked

"You know you're attractive Ashton shut up" I groaned

"I do" he chuckled quietly

" and I'm guessing you also know you're a dick?" I smiled sweetly putting my empty bowl into the sink and walking into the lounge-room.

Unfortunately Ashton followed me planting his ass right next to me on the couch. We sat for a few minutes in a very tension filled silence, occasionally glancing at each other.

"Was I really?" Ashton sighed bringing his hands and 'wiping' his face

"A dick? yes" I laughed as if it was the most obvious question in the whole world, which it was may I add.

"No, I know I was a dick to you Skyla you've told me around a million times" he said quietly sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees.

After a few moments of awkward silence he spoke again

"Was I really the first kiss that meant something to you?" My stomach dropped, not at the fact he asked that question but his tone, it wasn't his usual douche tone, it was an interested and regretful tone.

I didn't answer verbally, instead I just nodded my head when he looked at me

"I'm really sorry Skyla." He said leaning back into the couch. I didn't say anything, instead I nodded once again .

We sat in silence for what felt like eternity, trying to process what was happening.

Was Ashton apologising for kissing me in the first place 2 years ago, or for hurting me?.

I stood suddenly before I started asking questions, I wasn't prepared to talk about Summer camp with him yet.

"Night Ashton" I smiled softly

"Night Skyla" He spoke gently.

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