Day 21

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"See you later Clifford" I smiled walking over and hugging him "keep me up to date with this new girl of yours" I teased making him roll his eyes but go a deep red, he was whipped.

"Later Skyla" Luke chirped hugging me

"Bye" I laughed hugging him back

"Bye Skyla"

"Bye Calum" I replied hugging Calum and walking towards Ashton's car. In case you haven't realised, we were leaving now. I didn't want to leave the lake, it was so nice and fun.

"You ready?" Ashton asked sliding into the drives seat, I nodded my head in response and he started the car.

We sat in silence for around the first 20 minutes of the car ride. Ashton occasionally singing along to a few lines of a song.

"Tell me what's bugging you Skyla" Ashton sighed turning a corner.

"Nothings bugging me?" I lied turning to face out the window.

"Something's bugging you, you've been in an off mood since last night" he pressed on gripping the steering wheel tighter

"It's noth-"

"Its obviously something Skyla"

"Don't worry about it!" I snapped, tying my hair into a bun out of frustration. I let out a sigh and adjusted in my seat.

"Fine" Ashton smirked "you still owe me something from offending the lake"

"What do you want?" I huffed

"You either tell me what's bugging you or-" he paused to think for a moment letting out a little giggle as something came to his mind "walk into the boys toilet on the first day of term"

I sighed turning to face him "Why do you care so much ?"

"Because you're helping me overcome something that was bugging me and ruining my relationships with people I truly cared about and now I want to help you".

I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Skyla you can trust me,"

"I know I can."

"Then why won't you tell me."

"Because it doesn't involve you."

Ashton stopped the car in the middle of the road causing me to let out a little yelp.

"If it's upsetting you it's involving me so spill."


"Spill and then ill drive," He smirked.

"Fine," I huffed "I called my mum last night and she basically said her business trip is on for another week".

Ashton starting driving again, he didn't say anything, he just drove

"See I told you it's nothing," I sighed looking straight ahead.

"Skyla if its upsetting you so much, its something. You probably just miss her though, it'd be fine when she comes back," he said with a comforting smile.

"No it won't," I mumbled sinking into my seat "She comes back and I hardly see her, she's always working and then oh she runs off to another 'conference' and dumps me with my brother."

"Are you implying she doesn't care about you?" He asked, generally curious.

"I guess" I shrugged

"Skyla don't be like that, she's under a lot of pressure with her job, I see it in my mum as well."

"But your mum doesn't run off and leave you for weeks on end," I sighed tears now filling my eyes.

"No, but that doesn't mean your mum doesn't care about you, she probably just shows it in different ways to how you'd expect."

"Yeah" I sighed

"And anyway, you could always just talk to her about it."

"I'm fine" I laughed, the only way that conversation would go is downwards, along with the little mother daughter relationship we have.

"Just don't over think it Skyla." Ashton assured after a few minutes of silence "When she's home you'll forget about all the thoughts your having right now."

I didn't reply to Ashton. I didn't agree with him either. The fact there were now lone tears making their way down my cheeks proved to me I wouldn't be forgetting these thoughts any time soon.

"Hey don't cry," Ashton said softly pulling the car over.

"Just keep driving," I sniffled with a fake smile. Instead of replying or driving Ashton climbed out of the car walking over to my side and opening the door.

"Get out" He chirped.


"You're sad and I want to cheer you up!"

"You'd cheer me up if you drove."

"I think this idea is more fun," He smiled grabbing my hand and undoing my seat belt taking me out of the car.

"This looks like a murder scene not a way of cheering me up," I laughed quietly

"You're laughing which means I'm already cheering you up," He smiled wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him.

After a few minutes of walking down a foot path we came across a stone stair case leading down through surrounding bush.

"Do you know where we are" I asked, the bush was only light and came up to waist height but it was still scaring me.

"Never been here" he shrugged walking further down the staircase, his arm still draped around me.
"Don't be scared, this is how I find all my other cool spots" Ashton laughed looking down at my tear stained face.

"If we get lost I'm blaming you".

"Relax" He laughed. After a few more seconds of walking a massive raindrop came down and landed right on Ashton's face causing me to giggle. "We should probably head back to the car," Ashton laughed as another raindrop fell and landed on me.

"Probably" I laughed as a clap of thunder filled the sky and rain started pouring down. We ran back up the stairs as quickly as possible, occasionally laughing at the other person stacking it.

Within a few minutes we were back at the car. I hopped into the passenger seat shivering and wet as Ashton stumbled into the drivers seat in a fit of giggles.

"That didn't go to plan but look you're smiling which means I cheered you up."

"Thanks Ashton" I laughed generally thank full.

We drove off heading back in the direction of the Irwin's. Ashton had turned the car heater on and the radio creating a cosy vibe.

"I hope you know we're coming back here tomorrow, my little hide out senses were tingling" Ashton giggled as we continued driving.

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