Day nine

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Day 9

I landed like a ninja on the floor before braking back out into a crazy dance in the chorus, my arms were flying every where and so was my body, but I was having fun and losing weight at the same time so hey I'm not complaining.

My laptop shuffled pausing my bedroom dance party for a few seconds, I heard laughs coming from the hallway, usually I wouldn't worry about them but I recognised the voice of Michael, and the one thing more important than my dance party right now was getting my 20 bucks back.

I opened the door to the guest room and walked confidently to the group of 4 boys standing in the hallway,

"Michael I need to speak to you" I demanded grabbing him by the arm and awkwardly walking to the kitchen with him

"Wow, if you wanted to get with me you could've just asked" he joked winking at me, he was just as infuriating as Ashton

"How about you shut up and give me my 20 bucks back" I snapped not taking the situation lightly

"woah, what's the big deal" he stuttered taken back by my tone

"you promised you would keep Ashton away from me" I whined

"And I did" he whined back "the only time I let him out of my sight is when he went to buy a drink for this chick at the bar"

"and that 'chick' happened to be me"

"oh" he whispered

"yeah, you seriously had one thing to do and you failed so I would like my 20 bucks back." I demanded

"fine, ill give it back to you" he said surrendering

"thanks" I sighed sticking out my hand to collect the cash

"when I get it" he mumbled


"I don't have it on me right now, but the next time I see you I'll give it to you" he said worried

"you better" I groaned rolling my eyes and walking out of the kitchen, back down the hallway.

As I walked past Ashton he reached out and tightly gripped my arm stopping me from entering my room, I turned to face him, his eyes were angry and almost looked hurt

"what was that" he whispered

"Nothing" I growled confused

"sure it wasn't"

"it wasn't anything Ashton, and any way why would you even care" I said angrily looking at the way he was holding my arm

"I -I" He stuttered following my gaze to where he was holding my arm

"He doesn't care, he was just upset because we were about to go play truth and dare" the blonde one of Ashtons friends chirped up,

I started laughing as the boys exchanged awkward glances for a few seconds before the blonde one spoke again "and we were wondering if you would like to join?" he said more as a question to himself then to me

I started to laugh even harder and when I saw 4 confused faces staring back at me I decided I would explain the reason for my sudden mood swing

"I'm sorry but I don't know if the fact you got upset that I stole your friend away right before you were about to play truth or dare or the fact that 4 guys are so desperate for some girl attention they ask a random girl 2/4 of them don't even know to play truth or dare with them is funnier."

Instead of getting offended looks back the blonde one just smiled at me

"Well I'm Luke, and this is Calum, and you know Ashton and I guess Michael now and we all know you're Skyla so we're friends, lets go play" he said excitedly grabbing my arm like I had done to Michael earlier and dragging me into the lounge room with the 3 other guys.

How I had been sitting in a circle with these boys for 1 hour beats me, we hadn't even started to play truth or dare yet we have just been speaking and I'm not going to lie, Ashton has some pretty cool friends.

"Okay okay lets actually play truth or dare now" he smiled

"someone's really eager to play truth or dare with me" I winked causing all the boys except Ashton to laugh

"Actually I'm eager to watch you and Ashton to play truth or dare" Luke laughed causing the other 2 to laugh even louder, I looked over to Ashton and he seriously looked like he was about to kill someone.

"Alright lets start, Calum truth or dare?" Ashton said sternly shutting the boys up

"Dare" Calum said wearily

"I dare you too moon the next person who walks past the house" the boys erupted in laughter and Calum went and stood outside. It only took 5 minutes for poor old Mrs Carlosa to walk past, and too her dismay get mooned by Calum.

The dares went on like this for a while until it was finally my go

"Truth or dare" Michael smirked evily at me, if it was anyone else asking me I would've gone for dare but considering the weird dares Michael had thought of before, I decided to play is safe

"Truth" I smiled knowing this would throw him off

"Dammit I had the perfect dare for you" he cussed , a few minutes went by when Calum spoke up

"it's a bit sentimental but considering you're a girl you'd probably like it" he said earning an eye roll from me

"just get on with it Calum" I sighed

"Okay, who was your first kiss that meant something." My heart sunk, how was I meant to sit there and tell them the first kiss that ever meant something to me was Ashtons kiss. My cheeks went red and my palms sweaty

"it was a few years back at this silly summer camp, I was in one of those summer camp trances you know where everything that happens seems good, and so yeah I guess the first kiss that ever meant something to me happened there." I spat out, the room was silent and full of awkward glances between the boys.

I looked over to Ashton, his face was looking at the floor and he was all tense. Why Skyla why did you say that, these boys obviously knew more about you then you think and they probably understood that Ashton was that guy. I gulped loudly moving around in my spot a bit.

"Okay I guess it's my time to ask." I sighed awkwardly

"yep, who would you like to ask" Calum chuckled.

I was about to ask Luke, when I looked back over to Ashton, his eyes met mine, he looked scared and weak and that's when I remembered his 'fear'. Whatever it was that prevented him from me a few years ago was back.

An idea popped into my head that second, it was evil yes, but considering the state of mine and Ashtons relationship I was certain there was no way he would openly tell me what his fear was, I had to trick him into showing me, or in this case dare him

"Ashton" I said confidently, his head popped up "truth or dare"

"dare?" he practically questioned

"I dare you to face your fears" I said curiously looking him in the eyes, his face fell.

A faint memory of summer camp came back into my mind

"Please, im Ashton Irwin, I never back out of dares" The sixteen year old cockily smirked before jumping off the cliff into the lake below.

I hoped and hoped Ashton hadn't changed that much, and he still would never back out of a dare.

"deal" he gulped looking around the circle at the 3 other boys who were staring between me and him wide eyed.

These boys defiantly knew what went on between me and Ashton and I'm pretty certain they knew what his fear was too.

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