Day eleven

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Day 11

"Will I need to talk" I sang slouching back into the Irwins deck chair

"I don't have much time" He sighed hurried

"What's so important that you have to rush away from a very important phone call with your sister" I chirped knowing this would guilt him into staying on the phone with me

"Fine, what's up" He groaned

"Ashton apologised" I said nervously

"Apologised for what!" He pratically screamed with joy

"That's the thing, I don't know what for" I sighed

"What could he be apologising for?"

"A lot of things" I mumbled rolling my eyes

"Well tell me what, ill try chose, from a guys perspective you know"

"Okay, so 1. Kissing me in the first place, or 2. Hurting me" I thought aloud.

"He apologised for hurting you" I heard someone say from behind me, I spun around and saw Ashton standing behind me, his eyes looked hurt and tired and his jaw was clenched

"Okay I got my answer bye will" I said hurried, hanging up the phone.

I looked up at Ashton unsure of what to say and by the looks I was getting from him he didn't know what to say either. Thank fully Anne-Marie burst through the back door

"Ashton, I sent you out 10 minutes ago to wash the car and you still haven't started" She sighed tiredly

"I'm starting now" Ashton huffed walking off towards Annes car leaving me sitting there speech less.

After around 5 minutes I decided I would build up the courage and go talk to Ashton I mean, I really had nothing to be ashamed of, I was confused and so I called my brother?

"Ashton" I said walking up behind me, he didn't react

"Ashton" I said a little louder,

"For fuck sake Ashton are you just going to ignore me like you did two years ago!" I practically screamed.

He turned around quickly, his jaw was clenched and his eyes were angry

"Do you know how much it took me to apologise yesterday, and you just go off telling the whole world about it!" He argued back,

"Excuse me! I told my brother and do you know why I told my brother Ashton do you! Because you are a confusing fucking idiot who doesn't say anything to me for 2 years and then all of a sudden apologises but doesn't tell me what you're apologising for!" I screamed letting a few tears build up around my eyes

He didn't say anything, instead turning back to the car and washing it. I stood there tapping my foot for what felt like eternity before I decided to take action.

I reached down picking up the soapy sponge and started washing the car

"What are you doing?" Ashton asked, his voice weak

"Helping you" I said with a deep breathe in,

"Why," He said in a weaker than I have ever heard someone speak in.

"Because every one makes mistakes" I don't know what it was that made me have a sudden change of heart, any other day I would've happily stormed off leaving Ashton there with the dirty car to clean it up himself, but there was something that was stopping me from doing that.

"And what mistake are you forgiving me for" He asked washing the part of the car I had soaped. I stood up walking to the next part of car and beginning to soap it.

"You choose" I said looking at him. He's breathing got heavy and there were a few moments of chilling silence before Ashton spoke.

"The mistake of letting a stupid fear keep me from you."

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