Day 24

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"IT'S 1 AM BE QUIET" Anne-marie yelled from her room causing me and Ashton to break out laughing.

"Okay shh we should give your mum a break" I hushed leaning against the hallway door. Ashton insisted walking me to my door because it was what 'gentlemen' do at the end of the first date. Except usually the two people aren't staying in the same house.

"Sorry" He whispered. "Well I guess we're here" He giggled pointing to my bedroom door.

"I guess we're here" I hummed looking at my door.

"Thanks for coming tonight."

"Wouldn't of missed it for the world." I smiled

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow" He laughed

"See you then" I laughed back.

Ashtons arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into his chest. I snaked my arms around his neck.

After a few moments I stepped back, smiling weakly at Ashton "night". Was all I said before I disappeared into my bedroom.

"Good morning" I chirped as Lauren walked into the kitchen.

"No its not a good morning" Lauren huffed coming and sitting down next to me. Ashton who was opposite us turned around quickly at the sound of his sister being upset.

"What's wrong?"

"You two, that's what's wrong."

Me and Ashton stared at each other momentarily before looking back at Lauren.

"Care to explain?" Ashton laughed awkwardly

"You were so loud last night, and like sure be cute and all but don't be cute and loud at 1 am okay?"

"Okay" Me and Ashton both laughed.

"Well considering you want some piece and quiet I'm going to steal your older brother away from you" I smirked grabbing Ashton's hand and leaving the house before him or Lauren could reply.

"Where are you taking me" Ashton laughed following me.

"I want pancakes" I laughed.


"And so I'm taking myself to go get pancakes" I smiled walking the familiar route to my house, which I knew had pancake mix in it.

"And where do I come in?"

"I wanted to spend time with you" I shrugged.

"Oh" Ashton said from behind me, the smirk oozing through his voice.

We entered the front door of my house, the familiar vibe I've missed for so long ran through my veins.

"Why your house?"

"Saves us having to buy pancakes " I laughed walking to my kitchen and pulling out the premade pancake mix bottle.

I walked over to the tap Ashton watching me intently. I let the water fill to the line before replacing the lid and shaking the bottle.

I started jumping around my kitchen, trying to mix all the powdered goodness with the water, this of course made Ashton laugh like crazy.

"What are you doing" he heaved

"Shaking the pancakes" I puffed

"You look like an idiot"

"You are an idiot" I smirked.

"JUST FLIP THE PANCAKE" I yelled running over the stove


"DID YOU PUT OIL?" I yelled at Ashton


"YES" I screamed grabbing the spatula and trying to scrape the pancake off the pan.

"Maybe cooking isn't my thing" Ashton laughed watching me struggle.

"Maybe not" I chuckled throwing the dirty pan into the sink.

We both made our way over the island where the properly cooked pancakes were.

"So" Ashton said after a few minutes of sitting and eating "if last night was a date, is this a date as well?"

"I guess so" I smiled at him placing another bit of pancake into my mouth.

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