Day 25

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I woke up squished up onto the couch, next to a lump. I rolled around my back aching in pain, my eyes narrowed as I observed this mass next to me. I looked down at the blanket that was clung tightly around the person, my eyes trailed up to the mop of curls sticking out from the top of the blanket, a small smile creeping onto my face.

Just the sight of him made me smile. I reached my hand out gently playing with a few strands of his hair. He stirred underneath me a small giggle escaping his lips.

"Stop playing with my hair you weirdo" His morning voice raspy and raw, crisply breaking the silence sat around us.

"There's just so much of it" I laughed grabbing a few more strands and wrapping them around my finger.

"We should stay like this today" Ashton murmured turning around to face me.

"What do you mean" I questioned lying back down next to him.

"I mean at your house, just having down time" he said softly, wiggling next to me.

"I like the sound of that" I smiled, moving myself around on the couch and placing my head onto his shoulder.

"DON'T YOU DARE" I screamed throwing one of the couch pillows at Ashton







"skyla it's just monopoly"

"You should know from summer camp that monopoly isn't 'just monopoly' to me."

"I don't think I'll ever forget summer camp" Ashton sighed lying down onto the floor next to me.

"I don't I will either" I said soft playing with my hands.

"Remember that time, it was like 2 am and I couldn't sleep so I came to your cabin and we snuck out for the night" Ashton asked looking up at me, a joyful glint in his eyes.

"Yeah" I laughed "I will never understand how we didn't get caught"

"Our pro ninja skills".

"Or what about that time you got dared to jump into the river naked" I laughed

"16 year old boys are very insecure Skyla!" He chuckled in his defence.

"And so are 15 year old girls! But I still went in"

"You only went in to make me go in" He smiled, grabbing my hand and playing with it.

"We did everything together I wouldn't of let you down Ashton" I sighed, a hint of anger spreading through my veins as I thought of what Ashton did when we got back.

"Im sorry" He said dropping my hand.

I didn't say anything, just sat in silence and nodded my head.

"Skyla please, I've apologised so many times you know I regret what I did."

I didn't say anything again, just nodded, again.

"For gods sake Skyla, I have to live with regret everyday for ever letting you go and letting some stupid fucking fear get in the way of what I was feeling towards you. I don't want what I did in the past to push you away again."

"It won't push me away Ashton. It will just make me more cautious"

"You can trust me skyla". And as much as my brain was telling me not to, I did. I trusted Ashton, not fully, but more than I ever thought I would be able to again.

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