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I sat still on my bed. My head filled with mixed emotions. A soft knock on my door woke me from my trance.

"Skyla" Will whispered entering the room.

"Hey" I said cheerfully standing up.

"Are you okay?"

"Im fine" I smiled "I was just heading down now."

"If you're going to find today to hard, you don't need to come."

"Are you kidding me will! This is your big day, I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Not even to recover from a broken heart?" Will asked in the same concerned tone I've been hearing for the past month.

"Not even to recover from a broken heart" I repeated walking up to him, "I'm so incredibly happy for you will" I sniffled.

"Thank you Sky" He smiled a bunch of tears forming in his eyes. "You sure you're okay?"

"It was just a break up Will, I've been through them before! Now stop worrying about me and get your ass down stairs, we have your wedding to attend!" I cheered, although no part of my body believed a word I was saying.

"We both know this wasn't like the other break ups you've been through Skyla! Hell it even hurt me"

"Will please, this is your day" I said weakly.

"And I want you to be happy! If it's going to be painful to see him there I can tell Anne-Marie." Will urged.

"Will, shut up. Go downstairs and enjoy your wedding. I will handle any pain that is thrown my way today. Go" I smiled assuring my brother it'll all be okay.

"I love you skyla"

"Love you too will" I sniffled, "thank you for being here for me" I whispered pulling him into a hug.

"Anything for you sky" He smiled, "Now I have to go, but I'll see you at the service" he said nervously, giving me a small wave and walking out the room.

I sat back down on the bed, my body slumping as a flood of emotions hit me. I should be happy today! It was finally Wills wedding, I've been counting down to this moment for ages. But here I am 5 minutes before we leave to the church, and I'm moping around my room in self pity.

Me and Ashton broke up, in case you haven't realised. A month ago, and it still hurts as if it was yesterday. What hurts the most is that we both got to the breaking point, neither willing to fight for the relationship. We just let it go. Usually when we fought, we would apologise within a number of days. And then it was behind us. But that one fight was different. Neither of us apologised for what we said. Neither tried to resolve it.

I've been telling myself for the past month to let it go, the relationship is over and that's it. I'm positive Ashton has moved on, but a part of me hopes he hasn't. And that hurts as well. The fact that Ashton could wake up in the morning, and move on, but I couldn't. I was gripping onto every memory I had, creepy, maybe, painful, yes.

And I knew that today was going to be hard, no matter what I tell myself. Seeing him is going to bring back feelings and emotions I don't want to feel ever again. It was only going to make it harder for me to let go.

I stepped out of the car, a bunch of family and friends gathered around the church. I could see Will and his groomsman waiting to enter the church. A smile crept onto my face as I walked towards them.

"Will" I called out. He turned around, nerves radiating off him.

"Good luck big bro, don't stuff it up."

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