Day three:

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Day 3

I ran past my house, my breath heavy and heart pulsing fast. The thought of me having a peaceful 3 weeks alone in my house was gone sooner then I had hoped as I turned the last few corners of my run and entered the Irwins front door.

My breathing was heavy, hairy messy and body sweaty as I walked into the kitchen, I was getting a glass of water when I heard the unfortunately too familiar voice of Ashton douche bag Irwin

"you look good in those shorts" he smirked looking intently at my tight running shorts

"and I'm guessing you're still drunk?" I replied quickly putting my glass back into the sink

"completely sober actually" he laughed causing a glare from me "what am I not aloud to compliment you?" he snarled

"I'd rather you compliment someone else" I replied rolling my eyes

"you didn't say that at summer camp" he shot back . I knew I needed to get out of that room before I threw a chair at his stupid smirking face,

"that was 2 years ago, people change." I said bluntly grabbing an apple and walking out of the kitchen.

The hot steam of the shower relaxed my muscles and calmed me a lot. Why would Ashton do that? he pretends I don't exist for 2 years and then next minute he's complimenting me on my sport shorts?.

As I was stepping out of the shower my phone started to wring from the basin, I quickly wrapped my towel around my body and picked up the phone

"William" I laughed using his proper name

"Skylanne" He teased back

"hey, that's not even my real name" I laughed. Will made up the name Skylanne as a joke when he started to get pissed off at me calling him William, but like the stubborn person I am, I learnt to put up with it because nothing is funnier then watching your older brother get annoyed at you.

"what ever, how are things going?"

"good?" I answered wearily

"you sound confused" will said worried

"well I kind of am considering you never wring me just to know how 'things are going'?". It was true, despite the fact we get on really well he really only calls me for money or to tell me he has some alcohol he doesn't mind lending me, which I don't mind honestly.

"I know I know, but I figured seeing you're staying at the Irwins you may need to rant about a certain Ashton Irwin, and considering the fact you have no friends I decided to be the caring brother I am and be that person you can rant to." He laughed

"How caring of you" I rolled my eyes "and I have friends"

"whatever you say, now how's the Irwins?" he asked intently, I let out a big sigh before telling Will every little detail about my stay at the Irwins so far.

Will and I always told each other everything. I think it's the age gap between us that makes us comfortable in doing so, he's also great at advice so he was always the person I ran to. Not to mention the fact he's the only one who knows what happened between me and Ashton at summer camp two years back.

"So he acted as if he never was a douche to you?"

"yes!" I semi-screamed "I just ugh, I have never hated a person so much"

"don't let him get to your head skyla" Will warned

"I won't" I said confidently although a part of me doubted I would be able to

"good, hey do you really believe that thing you said about people change?" he asked

"well am I the same as I was 2 years ago?"

"no" He laughed

"exactly! anyway how are things with you?"

"good good yeah" he sighed

"is something up?" I asked, sitting down on the bathroom floor

"no no its just, me and kylie hit a rough spot". Kylie was Wills girlfriend, the two have been dating since high school, they were voted 'most likely to get married' and I agree with that 500%.

"you guys will be fine, don't worry about it" I assured will

"It just sucks, we've never had a fight like this before skyla" he said barely above a whisper

"will, you both love each other more then you know, don't let one fight get between the two of you"

"yeah, I guess" he sighed,

"well I should go now, ill talk to you later" I said sweetly

"Bye, try not to kill ashton" will laughed before hanging up

"No promises" I whispered to myself before starting to get ready for the day.

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