Day two:

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Day 2

I woke up to the sound of laughter, harry and Lauren, I smiled to myself. I had baby sat Harry and Lauren countless times and we always got on so well, so it was not surprise when I found myself jumping out of bed and going into my ensuite to get ready so I could spend as much time with them as possible.

My wet hair hung loosely around my shoulders unlike my black jeans and t-shirt which clung to my body. "SKYYLAA" I heard Lauren screech as I entered the lounge room

"Laurren" I replied walking up to her "How are you gal"

"I'm good, excited about these next few weeks?"

"um yes!" I lied, as much as I loved Lauren, Harry and Anne-maries company Ashton was a major turn off in terms of the Irwin house hold.

"Now tell me all the things I've missed these last few weeks" I said sitting on one of the couches eager to catch up in all the gossip at Laurens school.

Mid Laurens rant about some boy in the year above her, the front door slammed followed by Anne-maries screaming

"Get inside your bedroom, and don't come out until you're sober!" she screamed pulling a very obviously drunk Ashton Irwin by the ear.

"Does this happen a lot?" I giggled to Lauren, it was quite amusing seeing Ashton make a fool of himself, even though I had been in that situation countless times despite my age.

"Not usually?" she replied confused "he usually goes to friends if he wants to drink, I've never seen him drunk before."

"Dinner!" Anne called from the kitchen me, Lauren and Harry shot up from the couch where we had spent all day watching movies and talking and walked to the kitchen, "Ashton isn't going to be joining us I don't think" Anne sighed

"why not?" harry whined

"he's still asleep I reckon" Lauren laughed

"Skyla would you mind going and telling him dinners ready?" Anne asked, my stomach plummeted at the thought of having to interact with that horrid person, but it's not like I could say no

"Sure" I smiled and turned around, walking as slow as possible down the hallway I knocked softly on his door. After a few minutes I knocked again before the door was quickly opened and a still drunk Ashton stood in front of me

"wow you must have a really low alcohol tolerance if you're still drunk" I scoffed looking him up and down

"or maybe I just have a really amazing alcohol stash in my room" he slurred mimicking my actions and looking me up and down

"well dinners ready" I said rolling my eyes and walking down the hallway

"I really don't think I should let my mum see me like this" he laughed attempting to stumble down the hallway

"then go back to your room, it'll make eating dinner a lot easier for me if I don't have to stare at your face"

"no ones forcing you to stare baby" He winked laughing to himself as he stumbled back into his room and closed his door. I felt my self boiling with anger walking down the hallway.

"Is he still out?" Anne-marie asked as I re-entered the kitchen

"sound asleep" I lied sitting down at the table.

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