Movin' Out

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Santana and Rachel are working at the Diner.

Rachel: *to a customer* Can I get you guys a refill?

Santana: Why are you still working? Aren't you rehearsing, like, 24/7?

Rachel: Fanny Brice was a working girl. My director and I think it's really important to keep the character as alive and authentic as possible.

Kurt drags Blaine to the stage to sing. Kurt speaks into the microphone.

Kurt: Uh, hello, everyone. Welcome to the Spotlight Diner and to a very special performance.

Santana: *to Rachel* Seriously? You all need to be stopped. That's enough.


Santana, Kurt, Rachel, Sam, and Blaine are in the loft. Santana is looking at the piano.

Santana: We don't have room for this.

Kurt: Uh, yes, we do. Right there.

Santana: Okay, seriously, I'm not gonna be able to survive if you and your Hag Berry are gonna be tickling those ivories, belting out gay hits from Rent and Showboat all day.

Blaine: It's a thank you for allowing me and Sam to stay here.

Rachel brings over a plate of food and places it on the table.

Rachel: Hey, you guys, I have some bread here if you want.

Sam: No can do. No, right now I'm just on this Mentos and flavored air diet.

Rachel: Sam, that's ridiculous. You don't need to lose ten pounds.

Kurt: Yeah, Sam, we all agree. You don't need to be prison-camp skinny to be a model. I think you should find another agency.

Sam: No. House of Bichette is, like, the best agency in town.

Blaine: You know what I think? I think that this argument would be best made in a song.

Rachel: Yes.

They all head towards the piano.

Santana: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. Do you see this? This is what's going to happen from every argument or discussion or meal from now on. It's gonna end in a freaking sing-along. It's bad enough we need to be singing waiters, okay? I can't have this in my home. I need my peaceful place.

Blaine: You don't have to sing, Santana.

Kurt: But I dare you not to.

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