Jagged Little Tapestry

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Everyone is in the glee club. Rachel and Kurt are standing in front.

Kurt: Rachel and I are extremely excited to kick off this week's lesson with our...

Rachel moves the whiteboard to reveal writing on the other whiteboard.

Rachel: First musical lesson, "Jagged Little Tapestry."

Santana: Oh, look, finally some songs about Rachel's hair extensions.

Rachel and Kurt tell everyone that they want them to do a mashup.

Rachel: Kurt and I will demonstrate... probably tomorrow?

Kurt: What? We...

They start quietly arguing. Santana interrupts.

Santana: Okay, or how about since you and Porcelain obviously have some issues to iron out, Brittany and I will go first.

Brittany smiles.

Rachel: Thank you.

Kurt: Okay, thank you.

Rachel: That'd be great.


Santana and Brittany are cuddling in bed.

Santana: You know, I am pretty sure that our fish ancestors crawled out of the ooze and got legs just to be able to scissor.

Brittany: Well, actually, scissoring was invented by the ancient Egyptians, which is weird because actual scissors weren't invented for many centuries after that. True story.

Santana laughs and stands up.

Santana: You know, I have to say, I'm kind of really digging this back-to-the-future for Glee Club. If for no other reason than to mess with Berry and her sad gay. But I have the perfect mash-up idea for us to perform this week.

Santana gives Brittany a glass of wine.

Brittany: So do I. Okay, you go first. Three, two, one.

Santana: "I Feel the Earth Move" and "Hand in My Pocket."

Brittany: "You Oughta Know."

Santana: No, see, you're supposed to do a song from each album.

Brittany: Okay, but I refuse to be restrained by the laws of man. I like to think outside of the box.

Santana: No, listen. Okay. Aren't we here to help the glee club get back on top?

Santana sits down on the bed.

Santana: And don't you think that teaching the power of a mash-up would totally contribute to that?

Brittany: Okay, I may be a genius, but... how can I argue with the logic of your giant, generous heart? Come here.

They both kiss.

Brittany: Ugh, we are so awesomely in love. I would totally hate us if I didn't know us.

Santana: I was thinking. I think that you and I should live in New York together. You know? I want to go back to college- NYU or Columbia- and you can just go... wherever I get in, genius. How much fun would it be to be back in school together again?

Brittany: It'd be amazing!

Santana: I love you, Brit.

Brittany: I love you too.

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