New York

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Quinn is in the bathroom and Santana is knocking on the door.

Santana: Quinn! Quit hogging the bathroom. I needs to re-pencil my eyebrows on. Doesn't she get...

Quinn opens the door.

Quinn: It's all yours.

Quinn walks into the bedroom.

Santana: Everybody's already in the other room working.

Quinn: Oh, yeah? Is Mr. Schue in there? 'Cause I think I'm gonna tell him that Rachel and Kurt keep sneaking off.

Brittany: You can't do that– he'll have to suspend them.

Quinn: And then there goes our chances at Nationals. Darn!

Santana: You know what? We get it. You're pissed about Finn dumping your sweet ass. Get over it.

Quinn: I don't want to get over it! Okay?

Santana: The only person that you're sabotaging here is yourself.

Quinn: I don't care about some stupid show choir competition!

Santana: Well, you should! Because this is the one chance that we have to actually feel good about ourselves.

Quinn: Aren't we supposed to be the popular girls? So why can't we have our dreams come true? She has love, Tina has it, even Zizes hooks up.

Quinn sighs and sits down on the bed. Santana and Brittany sit on both sides of her. Quinn starts crying.

Quinn: I just want somebody to love me.

Santana: I think I know how to make you feel better.

Quinn: I'm flattered, Santana, but I'm really not that into that.

Santana: No. No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a haircut.

Brittany: Yes, totally.


Flashback of Santana in the hotel room with everyone else. She is screaming at Finn and Rachel in Spanish. Quinn, Mike, and Sam are holding her back.

Santana: ¡Escucha! Soy de Lima Heights Adyacente y estoy orgulloso. ¿Sabes lo que pasa en Lima Heights Adyacente? Cosas malas. (Translation: Listen! I'm from Lima Heights Adjacent and I'm proud. Do you know what goes down in Lima Heights Adjacent? Bad things.)


Brittany walks up to Santana at her locker. Santana is holding a tiny doll.

Brittany: Hey. You still pissed?

Santana: Do you think this voodoo doll looks enough like Rachel Berry to actually work?

Brittany: Come on. We can't be mad at Rachel forever.

They lean their backs against the lockers.

Santana: Uh, yes, we can. How could you possibly be so calm?

Brittany: I don't know. I hated losing just as much as everyone, but this year wasn't about winning for me.

Santana: Clearly, 'cause we got our asses kicked.

Brittany: Yeah.

Santana: Sorry. What was it about?

Brittany: Acceptance. I know that all the kids in the glee club- they fight, and they steal each other's boyfriends and girlfriends, and they threaten to quit, like, every other week, but weird stuff like that happens in families.

Santana: Yeah, well, this is a club. This is not a family.

Brittany: Okay, well, family is a place where everyone loves you no matter what, and they accept you for who you are. I know I'm going to be a bridesmaid at Mike and Tina's wedding, and I'm gonna be anxiously awaiting, just like everyone else, to see if their babies are Asian, too. When they find an operation to make Artie's legs work again, I'm going to be there for his first steps. I love them. I love everyone in Glee Club. And I get to spend another year with everyone I love, so, I'm good.

Santana: What about you and I?

Brittany: I love you, Santana. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else in this world. All I know about you and I is that, because of that, I think anything's possible.

They hug.

Santana: You're my best friend.

Brittany: Yeah, me too.

They pull away and awkwardly laugh.

Santana: When did you get so smart?

They walk off, arms linked.

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