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Everyone is in the choir room. Rachel, Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, and Artie just got done performing "Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Boat." At the end, everyone cheers.

Santana: That was the most ghetto number I have ever seen.

Artie: Then just call me George Jefferson, because we went from the ghetto to the penthouse. National champs, baby!


Santana is walking down the hallway. She runs into a bunch of balloons that are outside of Mercedes locker and Mercedes and Sam are there.

Santana: What is this crap?

Sam: Oh, didn't you hear? Mercedes got a recording contract. She's moving to Hollywood and she's gonna be a superstar by Christmas, guaranteed.

Mercedes: He's exaggerating. You remember that video that he posted of me on YouTube, singing "Disco Inferno"?

Santana nods.

Sam: Well, this music producer in L.A. saw it and he wants to sign her.

Mercedes: As a backup singer on an indie label. I'm gonna be taking extension classes at UCLA.

Santana: If this was happening to anyone else, I would be extremely jealous. This is really cool. Congratulations.

Mercedes: Thank you.

They hug. Mercedes turns to Sam.

Mercedes: And I couldn't have done it without you.

Sam smiles and turns to Santana.

Sam: Oh, did you hear about Mike?

The scene cuts to Mike and Tina talking to Santana.

Mike: I was all set to go to Alvin Ailey, and then Joffrey in Chicago offered me a scholarship.

Santana: Oh, Mike, that's amazing. Congratulations.

They quickly hug.

Tina: You must be so excited to ditch that Cheerios uniform and put on the one for University of Louisville.

Santana: Yeah, I... I can't wait.

Santana awkwardly laughs and starts walking down the hallway.

Santana: *voiceover* This is embarrassing. I'm a star, so what am I doing heading to Kentucky? I'm just as talented as Mercedes, Boy Chang, Berry or Lady Hummel. Thank God for Mom. She'll know what to do.


Santana and Brittany are at Breadstix with Santana's mom, Maribel.

Maribel: When Santana finally said, "Mami, papi, I'm gay," all I could think of was, I should have known. When she was eight, she went trick-or-treating as Uncle Jesse on Full House. Spent two years growing out that hair. "Business in the front..."

Santana and Maribel: "Party in the back."

Brittany: Ew.

They all laugh.

Brittany: So, you just really didn't care?

Maribel: I care that my baby's happy.

Santana: I wish abuela felt the same.

Maribel: I know. It sucks, mija. But you don't want a person in your life that doesn't support your dreams.

Santana: I don't want to go to that cheerleading program at the University of Louisville. I want to go to New York.

Maribel: Go to college, Santana. Do what I never got the chance to do. New York will still be there after you've earned your college degree. Brittany, I understand you got into Purdue University?

Brittany: Not the university; the poultry farm. Plucker is a steady profession. But I can't go to either 'cause I'm not graduating.

Santana: What?

Brittany: Yeah. I was kind of glad when I found out that I was flunking because it'll give me a chance to do my senior year all over again. And way better. I'll show up to my classes this time. Plus, I'll get to be a two-term senior class president.

Santana: Why are you pretending that this is okay? And why didn't you tell me?

Brittany: What did you think was going to happen to me? I have a 0.0 grade point average.

Santana: Well, maybe if Brittany's staying in Lima, then I should stay, too.

Maribel gives Santana a disapproving look.


Santana is cleaning out her locker. Her mom, Maribel, walks up to her.

Maribel: Come on. You're gonna be late to your own graduation celebration.

Santana: It's a dinner with you and Dad.

Maribel: I got a pinata.

Santana slightly laughs and continues to clean out her locker.

Maribel: You don't want to keep any of this?

Santana: Nope. I don't want to be one of those people who thinks that if they have a keepsake of someone they care about, they don't have to actually see them.

Maribel pulls out an envelope with a bow on it from her bag.

Maribel: Your graduation present.

Santana grabs it and starts to open it.

Maribel: I was gonna put it in the pinata, but your dad thought this was more elegant.

Santana opens it and looks at it, and it's money.

Santana: Okay, hold up. Have you had this money the whole time? Why aren't you driving a Lexus?

Maribel: I'm not driving a Lexus because, for the past 18 years, I've been saving all my extra change, tax rebates and Christmas bonuses so I could help you pay for college.

Santana: But I got a scholarship.

Maribel: If you could've told me that 18 years ago, I would've bought more shoes.

Santana slightly laughs.

Santana: You know what, keep it then. Go on a trip with Dad or something. I don't need it. I told you, I don't want to go to college.

Maribel: Then use it to go to New York. I trust you. I trust your dreams and your talent. And I pity anyone who tries to get in your way.

Santana: Are you serious?

They hug tightly.

Maribel: I would love for you to go to college...

They pull away.

Maribel: ...but it's not my choice. This is your first moment of adulthood, mi amor. From now on, it's up to you.

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