6. I Read Your Letters When I Miss You

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Gerard's POV

I woke up to find that Frank's arm was draped over my chest. I didn't remember much, but I'm willing to bet that we fell asleep while hugging each other. The feeling filled my heart with warmth, and I smiled slightly as I looked over to Frank.

I can't believe how blind I was to realizing that I was attracted to him.

As I kept my eyes locked on him, I was able to observe every part of him. His hair was messy from tossing and turning in his sleep, and it fell loosely over his face. His lips were slightly parted, and small breaths fell from them each time he exhaled. The slow rising of his chest made a steady rhythm. Rise, fall, rise, fall.

He was truly a work of art. I don't know if there's a god out there, but damn they did a good job designing Frank. He was perfect in every single physical aspect.

His arm resting over me was a simple gesture, yet it still managed to make me feel so happy. I'm truly becoming a mess. I think Frank very well might be the death of me.

I eventually became lost in thought, and I didn't even notice when Frank's eyes fluttered open. When I realized that he had woken up, I looked down as a blush came over my cheeks. I hoped he didn't think I was strange for looking at him while he was asleep.

"Good morning, Gee." I looked back over to him and saw that he had a tired smile spread across his face. I smiled back.

"Good morning, Frankie," I lazily replied. Frank lifted his arm away from my body and sat up on the bed, running a hand through his hair. It was Monday, but I had previously decided to disable the alarm so it wouldn't scare Frank when he woke up.

I knew that Frank had classes to go to however, and that made me sad. Recently, I had gotten an email from my professor saying that from now on, visual art work would be graded through email, so I didn't have to attend classes in person until next school year. Unfortunately for Frank however, he still had classes for the rest of this week.

I observed him as he looked over to the clock on the wall, and slowly got out of the bed. "Still an hour left before class," he sighed. "Do you want to grab some coffee before I have to leave, or something?"

"Sure," I replied, "Just let me slip some more comfortable clothes on first." I had fallen asleep in the clothes I wore last night, so my legs were really itchy from the denim of the jeans I had on. A change in pants would likely fix the problem, along with a new shirt that wasn't covered in dry tears.

"Alright, I'll wait outside in the hallway for you." Frank had fallen asleep in shorts, so he probably didn't mind as much. I'm guessing that he would change into different clothes when it was time for class.

After he walked out the door and shut it behind him, I slipped off my jeans and shirt. I pulled on some sweat pants, and slid a long sleeve shirt over my head and onto my body. After I was done with that, I grabbed my dorm key and jacket, and I walked out the door, meeting Frank in the hallway. "Ready?" He asked me.

"Yep!" I said. In truth, I wasn't happy that Frank had to leave for his classes soon, but I acted happy anyway. After all, at least I would get to spend this small time with him before he had to go.

When we entered the café, the smell of freshly ground coffee hit me all at once. It was one of my favorite scents in the world, and it was a very recognizable one at that.

As I approached the counter, I was glad to see Jimmy working an early shift again. He eagerly noticed me and Frank walk in, and he made his way to the register. "What's up Gee? How are the art projects coming along? Do ya think you're gonna get an A plus?" Gerard chuckled at Jimmy's enthusiasm.

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